About EdTech Hubs

About the EdTech Hubs Programme

Reception children at Whitefield Primary School listen for instructions prior to using the iPads

2. When and why was the Edtech Hubs programme created?

4. How is the EdTech Hubs Programme funded?

5. Who can take part in the EdTechHubs programme activities?

Any teacher/leader from any school or college in England includes private and state-funded institutions including:

6. How can a school / college become a lead contributor to the programme?

Please get in touch with edtechub@lgfl.net if you would like to apply to become a lead school/college

7. Does the EdTech Hubs programme promote certain suppliers, brands or technologies?

8. How much does taking part in the EdTech hubs programme cost?

Please email edtechhubs@lgfl.net with any queries about the programme