
Year 7 were learning about combustion reactions in module 6.

Methane bubbles are definitely a memorable example!

Year 10 were able to make pure copper sulphate crystals.

Welcome to the captivating world of science!

 In this section of our school newsletter, we invite you to embark on a thrilling journey through the realms of scientific discovery, exploration, and innovation. From biology to astronomy, chemistry to physics, science offers a universe of possibilities, unraveling the mysteries of the natural world and inspiring us to find solutions to complex problems.

Join us as we showcase thought-provoking articles, captivating experiments, and a summary of what our young people have accomplished. Whether you're an aspiring scientist or simply intrigued by the wonders of the world, our science section promises to be a source of inspiration and enlightenment.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new Director of Learning for the Science Department at The Leigh, I am filled with excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to lead this exceptional team. It is a true privilege to work alongside dedicated educators and guide our students on their scientific journey. With a deep passion for science, I am committed to fostering a love for the subject and empowering our students to become lifelong learners.

Together, we will create an environment that sparks curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. By integrating hands-on experiments, real-world applications, and collaborative projects, our dynamic curriculum will inspire students to explore the wonders of science. I believe in the power of interdisciplinary connections and staying at the forefront of scientific advancements to prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

I am grateful to be part of the Leigh community and humbled by the trust placed in me to lead the Science Department. Together, let us embark on a transformative journey, inspiring our students to explore, discover, and make meaningful contributions to the world through the wonders of science. The future holds endless possibilities, and I am excited to be a part of their scientific growth and success.

Joe Fisher - Director of Learning for Science

Middle years programme (years 7-9)

We are thrilled to share the exciting topics our Year 7, 8, and 9 students have been exploring in the MYP project! In Year 7, our young scientists have been delving into the fascinating realms of acids and alkalis, sound, and magnetism. Through engaging experiments and hands-on activities, they have been uncovering the principles behind these fundamental scientific concepts.

Moving on to Year 8, our students have been immersing themselves in the captivating world of plant biology, geology, and our carbon footprint. They have been discovering the wonders of the plant kingdom, exploring the Earth's geological processes, and understanding the impact of human activities on our environment. Through their investigations and research, they are gaining a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance between nature and human existence.

In Year 9, our students have been focusing on significant scientific topics that are highly relevant in today's world. They have dived into the fascinating realm of the immune system and vaccines, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how our bodies defend against diseases and the importance of immunisation. Additionally, they have explored the forces that shape our world, from the laws of motion to the complexities of the atmosphere. These explorations have equipped them with a solid foundation in the principles that govern our physical environment.

We are immensely proud of our students' enthusiasm and dedication to their scientific studies. Through hands-on experiments, engaging discussions, and interactive projects, they have developed critical thinking skills, a love for inquiry, and a deeper understanding of the world around them. We look forward to their continued growth and exploration in the fascinating field of science.

Key stage 4 (Years 10-11)

In Year 10 biology our students have been immersing themselves in the fascinating field of ecology. They have been exploring the delicate balance of ecosystems, studying the importance of biodiversity, and understanding the environmental impact of deforestation. Through hands-on investigations and fieldwork, they have been using quadrats to investigate species distribution and analyze the interactions between organisms and their environment. This practical approach has allowed them to deepen their understanding of the natural world and the importance of preserving our delicate ecosystems.

Meanwhile, our Year 11 students have been working diligently to prepare for their upcoming examinations. With a strong focus on exam preparation, we have provided numerous revision opportunities, including exam breakfasts and after-school intervention sessions. These efforts have aimed to ensure that our students feel confident and well-prepared to excel in their exams.

We are immensely proud of our Year 11 students for their hard work and commitment throughout the year. As the summer approaches, we eagerly look forward to seeing them open their exam results. Their dedication and perseverance have been commendable, and we have every confidence that their efforts will be rewarded. We wish them the best of luck in their exams and the bright future that awaits them.

International Baccalaureate (Year 12-13)
In Year 12, our biologists and physicists have been fully immersed in their International Baccalaureate (IB) program, focusing on their Group 4 project. This interdisciplinary project involves students working collaboratively in teams, studying a specific science topic within a chosen theme. Each team consists of 6-8 students, with a diverse range of science disciplines represented. The project emphasizes teamwork, idea sharing, and cooperation, allowing students to develop their skills in communication and collaboration.

This year, the Group 4 project centered around the exciting task of designing a theme park. Students were challenged to consider ecological, economical, and ethical aspects in their design, incorporating sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and ethical considerations. By integrating various scientific perspectives, our Year 12 students gained a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in designing a project that balances the needs of the environment, the economy, and society.

We commend our Year 12 students for their dedication, hard work, and exemplary teamwork throughout this project. The Group 4 project has provided them with valuable opportunities to apply their scientific knowledge, hone their critical thinking skills, and develop a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to witnessing their continued growth as they progress through their IB program.

In their final year, our Year 13 students have been wholly dedicated to preparing for their upcoming final exams. This crucial period has seen them investing significant effort and time into revising and consolidating their knowledge across the various scientific subjects. We commend their commitment, resilience, and determination in striving for academic excellence.

As our Year 13 students embark on the next chapter of their lives, we would like to extend our heartfelt wishes for their success. Their hard work and perseverance have laid a strong foundation for their future endeavors, and we have every confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. We encourage them to embrace new opportunities, pursue their passions, and continue their scientific journeys with curiosity and enthusiasm. Good luck, Year 13s, as you step forward into a world of endless possibilities!