
A round up of everything 'dramatic' this year!

Year 7 

Year 7 were presented with various facts about a fifteen year old boy named Joe. They had to link the facts together, interview people involved, and then create a theory as to what happened that night! Every class had a different theory. Students then created a dramatisaton of what happened. 

Year 8 

Year 8 explored various genres in theatre from Frankenstein to Musicals. The energy was high and their committment fanstastic as they produced various genres of work.  

Year 9 

Year 9 were introduced to Brechtian Theatre, otherwise known as Epic or Political Theatre. they chose a new article of their choice and then used Brecht's various techniques scene by scene to create a provocative piece of drama that would make the audience think about an aspect of society. 

Year 10 

Year 10 had a busy year. Students completed a 12 hour project and submitted it to the exam board. They then started rehearsing for the play 'Two' by Jim Cartwright. In this, they play at least two different characters in two different scenes. Some are funny, like Fred and Alice, and some are sinister, like Lesley and Roy.   

Year 11

Year 11s completed the course in May with a devised piece worth 40% of their grade. They were amazing! The students worked incredibly hard  and showed true resilience. They were an absolute pleasure to work with.  

Year 12 

Year 12 had a busy year! Students completed  three units out of four by performing a stylised physical theatre piece from Steven Berkoff. They sat an external exam  about contextual factors for two practitioners, and wrote a comparison essay on three different styles. They have worked hard and delivered some outstanding work!   

Year 13 

Completed their devised piece in May and showed tremendous resillience throughout the process. Good luck! 


I am leaving The Leigh Academy  in July after being here for 10 years to work in another LAT academy closer to home.  I would like to say thank you to all the students for all their commitment and hard work. They are an amazing bunch  and I will miss them! 

Take care and good luck with everything that you do.  

Mrs Wilson