
Sports Day Champions

I am delighted to report that Shakespeare College have retained the Sports Day trophy for the second year in a row. There were some excellent individual performances but the overall team ethos and support for each other was one of the most pleasing things about the win. The top performers within college also represented the academy at District Sports Day with some strong performances as well as the LAT Sports Day too.

Maddison (Year 9 Shakespeare) was the winner of the 100m, 200m and 300m races. She also won female athlete of the day for Year 9.

Jennifer (Year 10 Shakespeare) was the winner of the 100m, 300m, 800m and high jump as well as winning the best female athlete for Year 10

Building works

Shakespeare College is currently undergoing a big makeover as the summer works begins for phase 2 of our development project. The old science lab had been taken out and is to be replaced with a classroom and a room for our Milestone Academy Satellite. The plaza has also been taken out and will be replaced by a new classroom. These are big changes to the building and reflect the increasing numbers of students with Kent asking us to increase our numbers in Year 7 next year to 270.

Goodbye to Year 11

Our Year 11 students have been fantastic this year and have worked really hard to ensure they get the best possible outcomes for themselves when they get their results in August. We3 hope to see many of them join us again in September in Attenborough College (Post 16) but whatever pathway they choose, we wish them the very best of luck in their future endeavours and hope they stay in touch and let us know how they are getting on.

Goodbyes and Welcomes


After a number of years in Brunel/Shakespeare College we say goodbye to Mr Williams who has moved over to Curie College. Mr Williams has been a fantastic ambassador for the college and has worked hard to ensure that students meet standards and expectations every day as well as providing them with support and encouragement when needed too.


We would like to welcome Ms Bodle as the new Assistant Head of College for Shakespeare from her previous college of Seacole. Ms Bodle has been at The Leigh Academy for a number of years and brings with her a lot of pastoral experience as well as a passion for literacy. Fingers crossed that we can add the Literacy trophy to the Sports Day one next year. We would also like to welcome Ms Snell in her role as Shakespeare Admin replacing Ms Melpuss who left last module. 


I would like to wish all Shakespeare students and their families a good summer break. Thank you for all your support this academic year and I look forward to seeing everyone in September.