
Media Industry Insight Session

Friday 30th June

Year 12 and 10 Media students met Isaac this month, a content creator and videographer, who has worked for both e-sports and motor racing companies over an 8-year career that began when he was 15 and still at school. 

He spoke to our 15-17 year old Media students for over an hour about how his career and experiences, along with advice on how to begin building a content portfolio and start to network and make contacts in the industry.

Isaac discussed the importance of being resilient in the face of rejections, gaining confidence and starting the process of creating content now (even if the quality isn't great yet), as well as having a short to medium term plan for what you want your future career in the Media to be like.

What Students said...

"I'm going to explore LinkedIn and create my profile!"  (Harley - Year 10)

"I learned a lot about building confidence to take the first steps."  (Lucas - Year 12)

"It showed me a pathway of how to make progress in content creation."  (Isaac - Year 12)

Any questions?

At the end of the session, students took the opportunity to talk with Isaac and ask him more questions about the things he'd been speaking about during his presentation.

There are lots of budding content creators in both our GCSE and BTEC classes who seem to have been inspired by today's speaker!