Pride Week

Joining the rest of the world in celebrating LGBT+ Pride in June every year, staff and students kicked off Pride Week with our annual Pride Party, hosted by Unity in Attenborough College. Over 50 students and members of staff enjoyed themselves with music, party food and fun in a rainbow-festooned Attenborough College on 26th June with their LGBT+ friends and allies.

Unity is the academy’s LGBT+ student group and it has been operating week in, week out, for nearly 6 years. Students meet every week to socialise, support one another and explore topics (often suggested by members of the group) that are of importance and value for the LGBT+ community. 

Unity, led by Mr Burton, has supported hundreds of students over the years and it is brilliant to see numbers grow each year, as more and more students feel confident and supported enough to come out and be their true selves.

Eryn, a Year 12 student who has attended Unity since Year 8, delivered a powerful assembly to Attenborough College on 30th June to round off Pride Week.