
Debate club 

Debate Club has been very popular this year, with over 63 different students attending at least once and with many regular attendees. A recent debate was whether it is morally right for humans to attempt to populate other planets, like Mars, when there are so many issues to deal with on our planet. Debate club has been held every Thursday after school this year and is run by Ms. Hirsche and Mr. Bradley. We look forward to a new year of Debate Club in September. 


So much of learning is theoretical, so the practical use of surveying skills used by Year 10 Geography students was a highlight of the year. They embarked on their field trip to Herne Bay and collected primary data in preparation for their GCSE examination next year. They were studying physical geography, by measuring beach management features, but also human geography, by surveying features of the town in contrasting locations.

Students collected primary data to investigate the effectiveness of beach management schemes. They used ranging poles and clinometers to measure the angle of the beach.  They also investigated the impact of groynes on longshore drift by measuring the height of beach material on either side of a groyne.

History & Global Politics

This year, GCSE history students enjoyed a joint trip with Modern Foreign Languages to the trenches in France, near Arras, where there used to be an underground hospital on what was the front line during World War One. The location has been featured on history exam papers in the past and is a significant location in the war. 

The IB Global Politics students from Year 12  have begun their political engagements in earnest, with some meeting prominent politicians and spending time in the Houses of Parliament.  They will continue to 'experience and demonstrate taking part in politics as part of their coursework.