
Year 10 University of Kent Campus Visit

As part of our Careers Education Programme, Mr Williams and Mrs Mace Baker accompanied thirteen of our Year 10 students to The University of Kent, Canterbury Campus. 

The day involved our students gaining experience of life at university. They participated in  two lectures, a campus tour, group research and a seminar. The topic of the day was ‘The Future of Humans- Can Humans Live Forever?’

Our students conducted themselves impeccably from start to finish and the university ambassadors commented extremely positively on their engagement and level of input to the activities.

Year 12 Work Experience Programme 

Year 12 have been working hard to find work experience placements in industries they are interested in. These placements will help with writing their CVs, personal statements and gaining important transferable skills. 

Students understand how work experience is incredibly beneficial to them as employers not only look at qualifications but at experience within the work place setting them apart from all other applicants. 

Year 10 Work Experience and Virtual Work Experience Programme 

Students in Year 10  have secured placements in a variety of industries ranging from Primary Schools to a Ferrari Specialist. 

Students are asked to mirror the employment process by identifying industries they are interested in, search for local companies and call or email their Human Resources department to request a placement.  We found many companies no longer offer work experience placements and regretfully turned down our student requests, however Year 10  showed resilience and perseverance to find alternative placements.