Keeping Safe

If you are out and about in the city, there may be steps you can take to help you feel more safe. Read below to find out more. 

Safety Schemes:

Ask for Angela

Have you heard of Angela? 


Ask for Angela is a campaign to support women’s safety whilst out in the city. If you’re out and about in Leeds, look out for ‘Angela’ on posters like this one. It means that if you go to a venue that has signed up to the campaign, such as bars and clubs, you can ask for ‘Angela’ to discreetly tell staff that you feel unsafe or threatened and would like assistance. Trained staff will then be able to offer help, for example by calling a taxi or providing a safe space.


Staff at these venues have been trained to help, they won’t judge and will aim to get people out of the situation without too much fuss. 


Going on a date? Check the Ask for Angela map to help you choose a venue that has signed up to the campaign. 

Whatever the reason is, if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable when out, speak to a member of staff at participating venues and ‘ASK FOR ANGELA’ to get discreet help.

From Bradford? You can still Ask for Angela in venues that are registered. Look out for the poster below. 

Personal Safety Alarms

A  personal safety alarm is a small hand-held electronic device that can make a  loud siren-like sound by either pressing a button, or pulling a tag. Some people like to carry a personal safety alarm with them to help them feel more safe. They can be used if you feel unsafe, for example if someone is following you or trying to harm you, as it might deter an attacker. 

If you would like a personal safety alarm please go to reception and ask for one. They will just ask for your student number and will check-in with you to make sure you are safe and if you need any other support from our safeguarding team.

If you have been feeling unsafe, you can also contact the safeguarding team by completing the report it form

Safety Helplines:


Don't walk worried - Call Nightline on 0113 380 1285 to chat to a student volunteer if you're walking at night. They can listen, talk to you and provide information when you need it. They're open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8am-8pm. 

Strut Safe

If you are walking home or elsewhere and feel unsafe you can call Strut Safe on 03333350026 for free to speak a friendly volunteer who will stay on the line to you until you get to where you're going.    

Safety Apps:

walksafe APP

The WalkSafe app brings together police crime data, community reported data and soon CCTV and ‘safe zone’ data, all plotted on maps with information icons, allowing the user to plot safer journeys, understand local crime hotspots and to help others make better safety decisions.


UrSafe is designed to be used when you're walking home and don't feel safe doing so. The app has all kinds of great features, like allowing your friends to follow you on a map when you feel insecure, and even sending an SOS signal to your designated contacts or emergency services when you press a button or say a key phrase. 

life360 APP

Life360 is designed to enable friends and family members to share their location with each other. Users can open the app and see where other members are instantly. Circles allows users to create separate groups within the app, e.g. 'caregivers', 'extended family', and 'Jane's football team'. The app also features a 'Help Alert' button which can notify your emergency contacts when pressed.

Users can choose to share or not their location with any particular circle at any particular time.