
Staying Safe


It’s everyone’s responsibility to protect each other from Covid-19, so until we make any further announcements, please continue to wear a face covering in communal spaces and corridors in college. As far as possible, please continue to social distance and make the most of our additional hand sanitiser stations. 

The night before you come into college for the first day, please take a lateral flow Covid-19 test. You can order these online here, or you can pick them up at local pharmacies. Please bring evidence of your result with you, and then continue to take and report your test results on the website twice weekly. This is to reduce the risk of transmission following the summer and to support our return to education.

The Covid-19 vaccine is now available for 16 and 17 year olds. Taking the offer of a vaccine gives you protection from the virus, as well as protecting those around us, including our family, friends and everyone in our community. 

Make sure to use reliable sources for information, such as the NHS, when you’re reading about the vaccine.  You can find quick and easy information about Covid-19 vaccinations through the website here. This guide here also features guidance on what to expect after having a Covid-19 vaccination and this NHS myth buster is another great resource to check out. 

We know it can be difficult to stay motivated during lockdown. Student Space is a great wellbeing resource where you’ll find articles, videos, tips and much more to help you through the pandemic. Make sure to check it out here

Asymptomatic testing

Please watch the video here to learn about testing at Leeds City College.

A Message of Hope

Coronavirus has been really difficult for all of us. We have felt lost, we have felt anxious and we have felt like we have no control. But there is hope for a brighter future. Hope for seeing our loved ones and hope that we can move foward in our lives with happiness and joy. 

This Message of Hope has been brought to you by Katrina, LCCSU Campaigns Officer.

Want to learn more about the pandemic, coronavirus or vaccines?

We know that you might feel overwhelmed, upset, scared, or just bored by the pandemic. But sometimes, it is good to understand a situation so you can deal with it more and know why we have to stay safe.

If you want to learn more about the pandemic, have a look at the resources below.

What is a coronavirus? - Elizabeth Cox

Dig into the science of coronaviruses and find out how they cause diseases such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. 

How pandemics spread

Dig into the history of pandemics to learn how viruses and disease spread and what we can do to stop future outbreaks.

When is a pandemic over?

Explore the three strategies governments and communities can use to contain and end a pandemic, and find out which method is best.

How do vaccines work? - Kelwalin Dhanasarnsombut

Learn the science behind how vaccines trigger an immune response and teach our bodies to recognise dangerous pathogens.