

No Means No

If you would like to learn more about this topic, here are some useful resources for you to explore.

Consent Posters (3) (1).pdf
Sexual Harassment Posters - A3 (3) (1).pdf
Harmful Sexual Behaviours Posters - A3 (5) (1).pdf

What is sexual activity?

Sex, or sexual activity, can include:

Let's talk about consent.

To put it simply: if you are doing any kind of sexual act with another person, both people have to agree to do it. Otherwise, you are breaking the law.

On top of that, making someone do a sex act of any kind without their consent can lead to them experiencing trauma. Trauma is when you feel emotional shock and pain after an upsetting experience.

Watch this video to understand more about how consent works and why it is important for you to give and receive consent.

PSHE Knowledge Organisers - Consent.pdf