Harrogate College News

Latest student news

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MyCollege student app now live 

We're pleased to share that your new college app, MyCollege, is now available to download from the Apple App Store (for Apple) or Google Play Store (for Android). It will also be available on college devices if you do not have access to a smartphone. 

With your new app, you 'll be able to manage college life on-the-go with access to: 

You will need your Office 365 username and password to log in to the MyCollege app. This will be in the format:
Username: student-ref@my.leedscitycollege.ac.uk
Password: same as that used to login to the college desktop PC

Please speak to your Tutor if you need support with resetting your Office 365 password. 

More instructions can be found here.

EXAM Checklist 

On Your Exam Day.pdf

Higher education fair 

Are you thinking about applying to Higher Education?

We'd like to invite you to the Harrogate College Higher Education Fair on Tuesday 15 November 2022 at ALZ, Harrogate Campus from 10am to 12pm.


This is a great opportunity meet universities, learn about Higher Education, the application process and university life. 

You'll be able to find out about courses, open days, student finance, how to apply and entry requirements. 

It is not to be missed! 

Colleges Week 2022

Colleges Week is taking place from 17-21 October, and this year it’s all about ‘Staff, Students and Skills’. 

As part of the campaign ,we would like to recognise and celebrate all the things that staff and students do to make college a great place to be. 

However big or small the act, if you have someone to recognise, thank or celebrate then please complete our short online form. 

You can drop your message into one of our pink boxes which can be found at reception.

National Coming Out Day

National Coming Out Day is an annual celebration which takes place on 11 October every year, to celebrate the unique experience each LGBTQ+ person experiences in expressing their sexual or gender identity. 

To celebrate, the Student Life team is  asking  students to anonymously share their coming out stories, to show others they are not alone. 

If you have a story you want to share, please complete this form or scan the QR code on the poster below.

Sexual Health Week

Sexual Health Week 2022 is the week commencing 10 October and this year the theme is all about breaking barriers.

Information will be posted on the students’ union’s social media about where you can find FREE sexual health services in your area, including how you can access:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer can affect people of any age or gender, so it’s really important for everyone to get to know what’s normal for their body.

Regular checking is the best kind of checking! But we know it can be hard to build new routines. 


If you have trouble remembering to check your chest each month, the breast cancer education charity CoppaFeel! offer a free text reminder service so that you receive a monthly text straight to your mobile.


It can feel like there’s a lot to learn when you've never checked your chest before, so CoppaFeel! have developed ‘The Self-Checkout’ - a tool to guide people through self-checks step-by-step.


Remember: if in doubt, get it checked out.

Hate Crime Awareness Week

National Hate Crime Week takes place from 8 - 15 October and Harrogate College are supporting this event by raising awareness on how to spot, challenge and report a hate crime.

Hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards someone's disability, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity. Even things that are passed off as ‘banter’ could be a hate crime in disguise, which can be confusing and frightening.

Rather than thinking ‘shall I do something or not?’, we encourage you to ask yourself, ‘what can I do that is safe and comfortable for me?’. One way to stand up to hate crime and prevent an incident from happening again in the future, is by reporting them.

There are several ways you can report a hate crime, whether you have been a victim, a witness, or you are reporting on behalf of someone else:

Remember: Be an upstander, not a bystander!

College of Sanctuary

We are excited to announce that we have become the first college in North Yorkshire to achieve College of Sanctuary status for our support for refugees. City of Sanctuary awards this recognition to those that go above and beyond to support refugees and people seeking asylum. They recognised our values-led approach and our place as an inclusive, nurturing and progressive education institution.

We are proud to be a college that helps its students, staff and wider community to understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary, and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of our college community.

Read more here.

Financial and welfare support for 16-19 students

If you are 16-19 and live in a household with a gross annual income of £28,000 or below, you may be eligible for support with meals and travel.

Please note, financial support and entitlement to loans and bursaries are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The funds available are limited.

To apply for financial support, you must be enrolled on an eligible Harrogate College course.

You can find out more information on how to apply here.

College Talks

The Cross College Events and Projects team would like to re-introduce you to College Talks, a series of webinars run by the school of Events, Enterprise and Employability that revolve around important topics for you as a student. There will be episodes released around wellbeing and general skills. 

In addition to this we will be doing an A-Z of careers, to give insight and maybe help out anyone who isn't set on a career just yet. Each episode will have carefully selected guests who will keep things fresh and provide interesting insights. We currently have episodes around Mental Health, Managing Stress and two episodes on Teaching and Accountancy as careers! 

The website can be found here. We hope you find these webinars helpful and, if you have any feedback or would like to see an episode on a specific subject, feel free to use the feedback tab on the website and we’ll do our best.