Donate to Walk-A-Thon Field of Dreams Project

9th Annual Walk-A-Thon May 3, 2024

It’s time for us to lace up our walking shoes and turn miles into money to build an all-purpose recreation field where children and families can make memories and grow a life-long love for connection and physical activity to promote healthy hearts--socially, spiritually, and physically. On Friday, May 3, 2024, we will be walking in our school’s annual Walk-a-thon from 8:30-1:00 PM at the Lakeshore Park track in Dalton, GA.

Our goal this year is to raise $100,000. What? Did you read that right? Yes! It's a big number, but we serve a BIG God, and He says we "have not because we ask not." So we are going to ask a LOT of people to give whatever God impresses them to donate. 

Why so much? We need a usable recreation field, and that's a huge project that involves moving dirt, putting in drains, and laying sod. Just imagine the special memories we will build on this field--with our school family, church families, and our community--having a place to play soccer, softball, flag football, run races and enjoy special events. In addition to the field project, a small portion of the proceeds goes towards fundraising costs, Home & School, and Athletics.

Thank you for making this a matter of prayer as you consider what you are able to give.  If a lot of people give even a little, with God's help we will reach our goal, if not this year, maybe next year. We will leave that up to God. With God ALL things are possible!

PLEASE NOTE: If donating through Paypal and you want your donation to be credited to a specific student, please send us a quick email to let us know at

Thank you for your support and for sharing the good news about quality Christian education available at Learning Tree. We are walking together with Jesus! 

Pastor Art (95) and his sweet wife, Vivian (94) invite you to walk with them to help make the Field of Dreams come true! Let's be heart healthy!

"3....2....1.... and they're off... 

to make dreams come true!

♥️It's time for healthy hearts♥️