Healthy Habits at Home with Mrs. Brown
Helpful tips for kids about being and staying healthy!
We made this page to help remind you of some important things you can do to BE healthy and to STAY healthy!
God has given us 8 essential things we can do that can help us to stay healthy, God's natural laws of health. We can remember these eight things by remembering the acronym NEW START.
Click the Links below to read about each God's 8 Laws of Healthy Living - NEWSTART.
Reminders for Health
1. We encourage families to create and maintain a schedule. This helps students gain a sense of normalcy and feel secure in knowing what will happen each day.
2. We encourage families to schedule outdoor time. Fresh air and exercise are two great ways to build up your immune system.
3. We encourage families to set and abide by a regular bed and wake time. Regular rhythms in sleep help build physical immunity and improve mental outlook.
4. We encourage families to limit access to news information to what would be developmentally appropriate for the age of the children. Please help your child process the information they have been given, avoiding excessive fear. Remind everyone of God's love and care - and His desire to spend eternity with us!
5. Please reach out to others when feeling distress. We are a school family! Our faculty are here to help and assist you!