15th Annual Dr. Bob Raitz Memorial Golf Tournament
Friday, May 30, 2025
Tournament Information:
Bear Trace Golf Course
8919 Harrison Bay Rd, Harrison, TN 37341
Format: 4-Player Teams (4-man Select Shot)
Registration Begins: 7:00AM
Ceremonial Shot: 7:45AM
Start Time: 8:00AM Shotgun
Food: Drinks provided on the Course
Lunch provided following the tournament
Individual Player Fee: $85.00
Fill out the online form by clicking the blue button below.
If you would prefer to print a PDF copy and mail/email it in, you can do so by clicking HERE
Make checks payable to Learning Tree Elementary School
Mail to Learning Tree Elementary School Golf Tournament, 300 S Tibbs Rd. Dalton, GA 30720
Cash or checks can also be brought to the school office.
To pay via Paypal/Credit Card - click below
If you have any questions about the golf tournament, please contact Jamie Smith or Clara White.
Jamie Smith - (501) 655-6254 or bones71913@gmail.com
Clara White - (706) 537-9075 or cawhite@whi-tech.com