Healthy Habits at Home with Mrs. Brown
Helpful tips for kids for being and staying healthy!
S is for Sunshine
S is for Sunshine
The sunshine is essential for all living things, including humans .
The sunshine is essential for all living things, including humans .
We should all try to get sunshine every day to get our daily boost of Vitamin D. To maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D in our blood, we should try to get 10–30 minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week. People with darker skin may need a little more than this. Your exposure time should depend on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight. It is important that the sun hits your skin directly. That means that wearing sunscreen or clothing over your skin won't let your body absorb Vitamin D. Listen to our principal, Mrs. Brown, tell us a little bit more about how Sunliight helps our bodies continue to be healthy.
Getting in the sun every day also helps to improve our sleep.
Getting in the sun every day also helps to improve our sleep.