How Can I Become a Volunteer?
Dear Volunteer Applicant of Learning Tree Elementary School,
We sincerely appreciate your willingness to be involved and support the students and the mission of Learning Tree Elementary School. The Learning Tree Elementary School Board understands the work of volunteers is essential to a successful educational program. The administration is responsible to select, screen and manage trustworthy individuals to fill all volunteer positions—including drivers—needed for educational activities.
Prior to volunteering, all applicants must complete the following steps (These steps are also outlined on our LETTER TO VOLUNTEERS):
Review the School Handbook.
Read and sign the North American Division of Youth and Children’s Ministry Volunteer CODE OF CONDUCT and give to school secretary who will make a copy and keep the original for our school files.
Complete Ministry VOLUNTEER INFO FORM and give to school secretary. She will make a copy and keep the original for our school files.
Read and Sign the VOLUNTEER STATUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM, giving it to the secretary who will make a copy for you and keep the original for our files.
Complete the ADVENTIST SCREENING VERIFICATION ONLINE TRAINING at Be sure to approve the background check and inform the secretary when you have it completed.
Meet with the school principal for a VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION.
If you are 21 or older and are willing to become a driver for school events, in addition to the above requirements, please complete the following prior to driving for a school event:
Give a copy of your valid and current driver’s license to the school secretary as well as a copy of your auto insurance card.
Let us know that you have an acceptable driving record during the previous three years with not more than two traffic citations and no accidents that results in a conviction of a misdemeanor or criminal charge while driving any vehicle.
Complete a VOLUNTEER DRIVER QUESTIONNAIRE and give to school secretary.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Knowlton, our Volunteer Screening Coordinator. Your involvement and generous gift of love and time are greatly appreciated,
Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Knowlton