Pastoral Care


Atheer Amran - Principal Teacher of Additional Support for Learning

PT Pupil Support 

Fraser Munro is our Principal Teacher of  Guidance for Spey & Feshie Houses

PT Pupil Support 

Wendy Adamson is our Principal Teacher of Guidance for Gynack & Tromie Houses

All of our staff at KHS have pastoral care at the heart of their daily work and interactions with our pupils. We work very hard at forming positive relationships with pupils, parents/carers and partners. We have a genuine connection with our pupils and staff benefit from a deep understanding of where pupils have come from as many staff live and work in catchment areas our pupils come from each day. This helps to build connections and an awareness of the context and backgrounds our pupils come from each day. As a staff, we care deeply for our pupils and do all we can to support them through their time with us. 

Manouk Bakermans - Additional Support for Learning Teacher

Nick Strange - Additional Support for Learning Teacher

Helen Holliday- Additional Support for Learning Teacher

Linda Olds- Additional Support for Learning Teacher

Pupil Support Assistants

We have a strong, dynamic and creative team of Pupil Support Assistants (PSAs) who work very hard alongside our teachers to meet the needs of all our pupils at KHS. 

Support Staff

All our support staff are carefully trained to listen, respond and act appropriately to any concerns pupils may have. There is a wealth of expertise and experience within our team that allows us to build positive relationships with pupils that significantly helps when delicate situations arise.  

Scottish Counselling Services 

Where appropriate, referrals to the Scottish Counselling Services may be jointly made in partnership with parents and their child(ren) alongside support staff. However pupils are also encouraged from age 12 to make self referrals in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC). You can read more about that here. Our partnership with Scottish Counselling Services has proven to be a fantastic one over the past two years that has led to many pupils accessing support quickly to the benefit of their mental health and well-being. To find out more about Scottish Counselling Services, please click here.  


Mikeysline have been a strong partner of KHS throughout the pandemic. They have offered us fantastic support during a very difficult time and many pupils have benefitted from meeting with volunteers and discussing their worries and concerns. Mikeysline were also a crucial partner during our two week trip to Loch Insh during May 2021. We are lucky to have them offering support in our school and look forward to future partnership working. To find out more about Mikeysline, please click here.

English as an Additional Language 

Alison Roy – English as an Additional Language Teacher (EAL)

Alison works as part of the EAL Highland Team supporting EAL pupils with their English language skills and delivering training for teaching staff.  She also teaches the SQA ESOL course (English for Speakers of Other Languages) at National 5 and Higher level.  More information and resources for EAL pupils can be found at EAL Highland Blog.

Children's Services Worker (CSW)

Children's Services Workers may support in school and/or in the community but can also visit families at home to provide assistance and support with issues that can affect school performance. Their role is defined as “developing new and creative ways to nurture children either individually or in groups to help them to achieve the best they can."

Our work is centred on early intervention and focussed work with individuals or groups in relation to social skills, i.e. self-esteem, anger management, relationships, socialising, teamwork etc.

Nurture philosophy

Our nurturing approach towards young people is part of our positive behaviour management policy within our school. All members of staff have been trained thoroughly in 'unconditional positive regard.' We are very aware that many pupils are experiencing a wide range of emotional and wellbeing adversities, particularly in the current pandemic. Some pupils have experienced trauma in their lives, which can lead to support staff making appropriate interventions and offers of support to allow individuals to full-fill their potential.  

Julia Jones

Julia's role at KHS is to support pupils' social, emotional and behavioural development.  She focuses on early interventions to help pupils with strategies for stress management and relaxation, positive relationships and communication, dealing with feelings and emotional coaching. If you are a pupil and would like to be referred to see Julia, please see your Guidance Teacher. 

Primary Mental Health Workers

We are fortunate to be able to refer pupils to our Primary Mental Health Worker where early interventions can be utilised to have a positive impact on a person's wellbeing and mental health. 

Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services

Practice Lead for Schools

Social Work

The Pines

The Pines, located in Inverness is a fantastic multi-agency team that supports families and children with neurological needs across the Highlands. They also support professionals needing specific advice to ensure we are meeting the needs of our pupils. For more information about the Pines, please click here

Police Scotland