Bullying policy

Bullying has no place in the life of our school. Every pupil has the right to feel safe and secure and free from verbal or physical assault.

Kingussie High School has established a variety of strategies to minimise incidents of bullying. Bullying takes a variety of forms and it thrives if pupils do not report incidents. Anti-Bullying work is covered through the P7/S1 Transition years and in PSE classes. All S1 pupils have a Pupil Support Teacher who is the first point of contact for pupils and parents if there are any concerns. Senior pupils who are prefects, buddies and bus monitors are asked to be alert for any signs of bullying and to report to staff if appropriate. Please do not hesitate to contact Pupil Support staff or the Senior Management Team if you think that your child is a victim of bullying, either verbal or physical. If bullying is undetected or unreported, there can be real distress and upset for the victims of bullying. Below are the key messages given to pupils.

It is everyone’s responsibility not to put up with bullying. Don’t tolerate it.

For Pupils: If you are being bullied:

1. Don’t keep it secret. Tell someone at once. Your Guidance Teacher, your personal support teacher or any member of staff you feel comfortable talking to. Share it with a parent, friend or a senior pupil. You are not ‘grassing’ - you have rights.

2. Bullies are in the wrong. Never feel guilty - you are not.

3. Sometimes some unpleasantness such as name calling can be ignored as it shows the bully they are not getting to you but if it doesn’t stop, report it.

4. Sometimes it is useful to note down what is happening. This is useful when action is taken.

5. Follow the advice you are given in your Social Education classes.

See bullying happen? Know a bully? Don’t stand by and do nothing. Report what is going on to a teacher or a parent. Both the victim and the bully need help.