S3 Pathway Meetings

In February/March pupils in S3 begin the process of making important decisions about their subject choices for S4 as they transition into the senior phase (S4-6) of their education. We are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils and their parents & carers feel thoroughly supported during this time. Our senior phase curriculum can be difficult and slightly confusing to navigate as we offer so many courses with different levels, names and qualifications with some courses delivered outwith KHS. Inverness College UHI are a major partner of ours and have a comprehensive offering that your child may wish to choose. A key consideration for us all in your child’s choices is to think about the range of subjects gained during S4, 5 & 6 as a ‘portfolio’ or ‘package’ rather than what can be achieved by the end of S4.

Therefore, focus is on the most suitable ‘pathway.’ For example, some subjects chosen over this period may lead to continuation over the next three years i.e. History could be studied at National 4 in S4, National 5 in S5 andthen Higher level in S6. Other subjects may be studied over one or two years.