Child Protection & Safeguarding

Arrangements for safeguarding children, including child protection

Child Protection & the safeguarding of all pupils at KHS is our top priority. All the staff at KHS have a duty of care towards children and are highly trained and confident to deal with concerns. We have clear, appropriate and up-to-date policies and procedures in place to ensure the safeguarding of children. All staff take part in regular professional learning, which covers a multitude of issues ranging from extremism to sexual exploitation. We carefully plan our approaches to safeguarding and child protection and it is an important part of our self-evaluation and improvement activities.

Arrangements to ensure wellbeing

Positive relationships between pupils and staff at KHS is always at the forefront of our practice. We are able to form these positive relationships that in turn help children to share their problems, worries and concerns to appropriate members of staff. Pupils feel that they are well supported in our school and where they feel they are not, we have clear and effective systems in place to allow them to make a complaint. The ethos and vision of our school strongly promotes equality, challenging all forms of discrimination.