JSD #117          Speech & Language

Welcome! This site is aimed to provide various speech/language activities and resources to you and your child for home practice.

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< Listed on the left are tabs where you will find activities/resources relating to each speech/language area 

*Activities on each subpage are sorted from least challenging to most challenging*

Listed below is some general information and a few ideas that can be used for all areas of speech/language during everyday activities.


Monthly calendars with daily speech/language activities to complete. Print them off by month to have in the house or keep them on the computer to reference!

November Language Calendars.pdf
Please feel free to contact your child's SLP if you have any questions during this time. We will be happy to help. 
Mrs. Fernandes: dfernandes@jsd117.org (Lincoln,)                
Mrs. Stowers: jstowers@jsd117.org(Eisenhower and STEP 1-2 programs)                                                         
Mrs. Darr: ddarr@jsd117.org                        (Community-based Sites, Early Years Overflow)                
Ms. Middleton(South)
Mrs. Vitale: rvitale@jsd117.org                    (Early Years, Four River Early Childhood)                                
Ms. Scoobie(JMS, STEP 3, Salem, Eisenhower)  
Mrs. May: mmay@jsd117.org(Murrayville-Woodson Elementary and Pre-K)
Mrs. Grogan: bgrogan@jsd117.org                 (Washington, First Presbyterian, First Christian)                             
Ms. Just: ajust@jsd117.org(North, JHS STEP 4 program)