Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology


This Programme includes

Today technology plays a key role in knowledge creation and sharing, and it is no longer possible to visualise educational settings that do not include technology. Further, on one hand technology is enabling self-learning, and on the other hand, it is supporting mass education. It is also improving the quality of education and empowering learners. Therefore, international organisations like the UNESCO, the Commonwealth of learning, as well as governments of many nations including India are upholding the need to integrate technology into educational processes. Teacher and trainers therefore need to be prepared for this. In response to this demand the programme, the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET) is offered. It prepares teachers, trainers, educational managers and those associated with the development of educational software for educational processes that require technology integration. 

Programme Objectives

This programme aims to develop a cadre of teachers and other professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills for organizing teaching and training with the help of appropriate technologies. The objectives of the programme are as follows:

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction of the programme is English. 


Graduation in any discipline. 

Programme Fee

Rs. 6,600/- for full programme plus registration fee of Rs.200/- (University may revise the fee time to time. Please see the current prospectus, advertisement or IGNOU website for updated information). 

Target Population

Teachers, trainers, administrators of educational institutions and programmes, and those engaged in developing courseware for various media. 

Duration of the Programme 

1 year (minimum) - upto 3 years (maximum) 

Programme Features

Programme Details


MES 131: Educational Technology:  An Overview (6 Credits)

MES 132: Computer in Education (6 Credits)

MES 133: Selection and Integration of Technology in Educational Processes (6 Credits)

MES 134: Design, Development and Delivery of Courseware (6 Credits)

MESP 135: Project (8 Credits)

Total: 32 Credits

Regional & Study Centre Details

Primary Contacts 

Prof.  Sutapa Bose, 

Programme Coordinator (PGDET)

School of Education,

G Block, Zakir Hussain Bhawan,

IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068.

Phone: +91- 011-29572942  


Dr. Ajith Kumar C.

Programme Coordinator (PGDET)

School of Education,

G Block, Zakir Hussain Bhawan,

IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068.

Phone: +91- 011-29572940 
