Yoga is Essential for Body and Mind

Yoga is essentially a practice based on an extremely subtle science, which focusses on bringing harmony between mind, body and spirit. It is a very powerful means to achieve physical, mental and emotional well being. Yoga paves the way to discover the self, the external world and the nature. It is an art and science for healthy living. Yoga has several benefits including education, health and stress management.

This Programme includes

  • Self learning course material

  • Web based Video Counselling

  • Quiz

  • Discussion Forum

  • Access on Mobile

  • Certificate from IGNOU after Completion

The programme package in distance education mode is developed with the help of available technology commonly known as multi-media package. The package for this programme consists of print material in the form of booklets called blocks and the audio video materials in the form of CD/DVD. Besides these, there is arrangement for live interactive teleconferences and contact sessions at programme study centre and skill development centre level as discussed below.

There are 12 days (In two contact session with six days in each session) of hands on skill practical training in specially identified centers under the supervision of trained teachers (Academic Counsellors) also form the part of package.

In IGNOU parlance, the study hours are measured in credit system. One credit is equivalent to 30 learning hours. Each theory booklet is called a block, which consists of three to six chapters called units. Usually each block represents one credit. The block on practical manual is meant for guidance in ‘Hands on training’.

Programme Objectives

After end of the programme student will be able to:

  1. Narrate the history and the contribution of various Yogis

  2. Comprehend the basic principles and practice of yoga.

  3. Demonstrate the protocol yoga programme developed by AYUSH

  4. Demonstrate yoga practices for prevention of diseases and adoption of yogic lifestyle

  5. Develop a holistic health for himself for enhancing functionality

Duration of the Programme

Six months; Maximum duration is two years.


10+2 passed from any recognized board.

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction of the programme is English.

Programme Fee

The fee for the entire programme is Rs.5000/- (University may revise the fee time to time. Please check with the advertisement or IGNOU website or WEAS website).

Programme Offer and Coverage

  • Offered in Both January and July sessions

  • It is offered throughout the country with an established network of IGNOU Regional Centres and through the Web Enabled Academic Support for your programme.

Programme Features

Programme Structure

The Certificate Programme in Yoga programme consists of three courses. Among them 2 are theory courses and 1 is practical course. All the theory and practical course are compulsory. Course 1 (BYG-001), and Course 2 (BYG-002) represent the disciplines of Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Texts and Yoga and health respectively. The respective practical component of one course is given in the Course 3 (BYGL-001).

The courses are designed on the basis of learning hours required by an average student. As mentioned above, one credit represents 30 hours of learning. The design of the CPY programme in terms of credit distribution of the courses is shown below:

Click here for Course Details

BYG-001 (Theory Course) comprises of the following 4 blocks:

Block 1:Yoga-Meaning, History and Streams

Block 2: Brief introduction to Yogic texts

Block 3: Contribution of Yogis

Block 4: Concepts of Fundamental Yogic Terminology

BYG-002 (Theory Course) has the following 4 blocks:

Block 1 : General introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

Block 2 : Yogic concepts of Health

Block 3 : Yoga and Mental Health

Block 4 : Yogic Life Style

BYGL-001: Shat Kriyas, Yogic Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayama, Mantra Japa

Block 1: Practical Manual of Yoga

Block 2: Log Book

Primary Contacts

Dr. Biplab Jamatia

Assistant Professor, and Programme Coordinator (CPY)

School of Health Sciences

IGNOU, New Delhi - 110068

Phone: 011-29572951

Mobile: +91-9810201401

E-mail: cpy@ignou.ac.in


School of Health Sciences

IGNOU, New Delhi - 110068