Cross-regional Working

The Welsh Education Consortia work in partnership to raise standards across all aspects of education in Wales.

Target audience: All school leaders and practitioners.

The Welsh Education Consortia work in partnership to raise standards across all aspects of education in Wales.Cross-regional AoLE sessions will have been co-constructed by officers from regional consortia to ensure consistency of messaging around key mandatory elements of Curriculum for Wales. There is an expectation for schools to work with schools from beyond their clusters and these cross-regional AoLE sessions will provide opportunities for that.

During the Autumn and Summer terms, there will be an opportunity to attend cross-regional based AoLE sessions in order to develop an understanding of progression within the specific AoLEs and to explore how schools from across Wales have developed their curriculum.

Autumn Term:

26/10/23: Science and Technology

07/11/23: Health and Well-Being

16/11/23: Expressive Arts

21/11/23: Languages, Literacy and Communication

27/11/23: Humanities

06/12/23: Mathematics and Numeracy

Summer term:

25/06/24: Humanities

26/06/24: Health and Well-Being

02/07/24: Expressive Arts

03/07/24: Mathematics and Numeracy

09/07/24: Science and Technology

10/07/24: Languages, Literacy and Communication

Please see the programme for further information and links to the sessions. 

CFW brochure 23/24 (pptx)

Past sessions from 2022/23 sit within the Consortia Addysg Cymru.

Welsh Education Consortia - Curriculum for Wales Professional Learning

Debbie Moon Lead Advisor