Health and Well-being

Primary Network for Health and Well-being  AoLE

Target audience: AoLE leads in primary schools and settings.

‘Curriculum for Wales: The journey to 2022’ sets out consistent expectations for schools and settings for the process of designing and implementing their curricula.

The Curriculum for Wales Implementation plan sets out shared aspirations – which describe what the education system should look like in the long-term, as a result of schools and settings designing and implementing their curricula. Practitioners should have the space to develop and use their teaching, agency and creativity to help realise their ambitions through the curriculum and enabling a space for AoLE leads within primary settings to discuss learning and teaching that enables all learners to realise the aspirations of the four purposes is key.

Only by creating opportunity for practitioners to own the reform process in their schools and settings, for them to feel valued and empowered by that process, and to feel motivated to contribute to its continuing development, can we ensure the long-term success of Curriculum for Wales.

The termly Primary AoLE Leads network will allow opportunity for all to share, discuss and enhance knowledge and understanding of the unique needs of all mandatory AoLEs and the skills to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of each AoLE within their schools. Practitioners will develop pedagogical knowledge that supports the effective delivery of each AoLE, ensuring all learners will make progress.

Event details:

28/09/23 09:30-15:00
Teifi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthenshire SA31 3EP
Book here

24/01/24 09:30-15:00
Teifi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthenshire SA31 3EP
Book here

30/04/24 09:30-15:00
Teifi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthenshire SA31 3EP
Book here

Sophie Flood Health and Well-being AoLE


Secondary Network for Health and Well-being

Target audience: Secondary leads for Health and Well-being AoLE

A networking opportunity for secondary Health and Well-being leads. These termly networks will provide leads with opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from across the region.

Attendees will be provided with updates and training on the following areas:

As this network matures, it will provide updates and discussion points around Qualification reform and updates from Qualifications Wales and specific WJEC GCSE examination series. 

Event details:

17/11/23 09:30-15:00
Taf, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP
Book here

19/03/24 09:30-15:00
Teifi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP
Book here

04/07/24 09:30-15:00
Taf, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP
Book here

Sophie Flood Health and Well-being AoLE


Physical Literacy

Target audience: Primary practitioners who have no previous experience of physical literacy

“Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.”

International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014

The Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experienced (Area)  is physical literacy informed. This professional learning has been designed to support  your school’s development and understanding of this Area with an emphasis on how physical literacy can be embedded throughout the school day.

This practical, dynamic, hands on professional learning opportunity will focus on the teaching practices which enable learners to become lifelong movers, particularly in the classroom setting.

Event details:

2 days and 2 cohorts 09:30-15:00

Cohort 1
05/10/23 Cothi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP
01/02/24 Cothi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP

Book here

Cohort 2
07/03/24 Cothi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP
16/05/24 Cothi, Halliwell Centre, Carmarthen SA31 3EP

Book here

Sophie Flood Health and Well-being AoLE


AoLE Drop-in Sessions: Health and Well-being

Target audience: All staff in schools and educational settings.

Partneriaeth are committed to providing quality bespoke and universal professional learning to all schools and settings across the region. Partneriaeth recognise the significant challenges facing schools at the moment and the difficulties many face when trying to facilitate staff to attend professional learning events. In order to try and mitigate these challenges Partneriaeth have scheduled online AoLE drop-in sessions.

These termly (these half termly) drop-in sessions have been scheduled to provide opportunities to speak with Partneriaeth officers leading on AoLE development and support. They are informal and by their nature will be responsive to the needs of those attending.

Event details:

06/10/2023 09:00 – 10:00
Click here to join the meeting

13/12/2023 13:30 – 14:30
Click here to join the meeting

26/02/2024 15:30 – 16:30
Click here to join the meeting

07/05/2024 09:00 – 10:00
Click here to join the meeting

08/07/2024 15:00 – 16:30
Click here to join the meeting

Sophie Flood Health and Well-being AoLE