Senior leadership Development Programme (SLDP)

National Program to Develop Senior Leaders

Target audience: This programme is for leaders who have overall responsibility for an aspect of leadership across an establishment. This includes senior curriculum/pastoral leaders and members of a senior leadership team, such as assistant or deputy headteachers.

This programme is for leaders who have overall responsibility for an aspect of leadership across an establishment. This includes senior curriculum/pastoral leaders and members of a senior leadership team, such as assistant or deputy headteachers.

Moving from middle leadership to senior leadership requires a shift to whole school thinking, the skills to manage complex teams and competing priorities whilst ensuring you keep learners at the centre of everything you do.

This one-year development programme is a professional learning opportunity for senior leaders across Wales.  The participant will work individually and collectively with others as leaders of learning organisations. This is a national programme co-ordinated by regional consortia, utilising a range of delivery partners.

The programme promotes highly effective leadership through self-evaluation and reflection, exploring the relationships between leadership, successful schools and the wider community.

As part of the professional learning continuum participants will through this programme:  

All participants who are accepted onto the programme:

Event details:

This programme is part of an ongoing and sequential development process that matches the professional learning pathway and will build upon the skills and knowledge of an individual’s prior professional learning.  

There are core modules that allow the participant to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to become an effective senior leader.

The delivery of the senior leader programme includes mentoring, peer support networks and an individual leadership standards self-review. 

All activities undertaken as part of this programme will be delivered in Welsh, English or bilingually. 

Access to the programme is through the national application process, a link to the application can be found on this website.

The programme will be delivered by the regional consortia and senior leaders from schools within the region.

This development programme will consist of:

Registration will be through a national booking system, which will distribute completed forms to the respective region in which the participant is employed. This centralising of registration will allow national data to be collected and the most appropriate arrangements put in place for each cohort.

Register here

Closing date 13/10/2023

Janet Waldron Interim Lead for Middle Leader Development

Rob Phillips Interim Lead for Leadership

Hazel Faulkner Business Support Officer