Session 2
April 20, 2020
Date and Time: April 20, 2020 (Thursday) 12:15 - 13:00
Number of participants: 241 (maximum)
Method: Online using a web conferencing tool (Webex)
Session 2 Recording Video
1. Key Points for Effective Online Classes
When considering the introduction of online classes, there are several concerns, such as, "Will students be able to take video classes from morning to evening? In this issue, we have discussed how to rethink teaching from the five parts of communication, input (lectures), output (assignments), collaboration (joint work), and assessment.
2.Introduction of tips and tricks for conducting effective online classes
In designing online classes, "lectures" and "activities" need to be appropriately combined to realize interactive classes. In this session, we presented three examples of combining lectures and activities. Then we explained the design of one of the panels with a demonstration.
3.Q&A with participants
During the chat, we received questions about "How to use Moodle for individual evaluation of reports and forums," "Tools for students to do group work and other collaborative work outside of class," and "How to log into ELMS from off-campus. We have posted the answers to these questions in the FAQ, which we hope you will find helpful.
Thank you very much for your participation today. I would also like to again express my gratitude to those who responded to chat questions while participating.
For details on the study group and case studies, please refer to the Online Class Study Group_2_20200420.pdf