Class Design Toolkit

Hokkaido University Open Education Center has developed a "Class Design Toolkit" to help faculty members design and implement practical classes.

 In addition, this toolkit allows students to design classes that effectively combine online (asynchronous) and face-to-face (synchronous) instruction through the "Rebuild Method," a class design method also developed by the Open Education Center. 

This page describes the features of the rebuild method and how to use the toolkit.

Rebuild Method

In designing and improving practical classes, it is essential to reconfirm the learning objectives and organize the interactions between teachers and students and among students. In the Rebuild Method, classes are redefined in terms of the five interactions of "communication," "input," "output," "collaboration," and "assessment," and how to conduct a class is examined. 

In designing and improving classes using the rebuild method, the elements of the class (methods and things to do) are taken apart and assembled while visualizing them. This method makes designing classes with an effective combination of elements possible. For example, the input part is done on-demand, while class lectures focus on collaboration.

How to design a class using the "rebuild method."

 In the rebuild method, after analyzing the teaching methods implemented so far (understanding the current situation), the method is taken apart once from the perspective of the five interactions (elemental analysis). Then, with the perspectives of "what kind of activities will be conducted," "whether online implementation is appropriate," and "whether synchronous or asynchronous methods will be used," we reassemble the class in the preparation, pre-class, class, and post-class phases, or chronological order, to design a single blended class (improvement proposal).

Class Design Toolkit

The toolkit consists of the following three sheets or guides

1. Class Design Sheet

This worksheet is designed to help you plan how to conduct one of your face-to-face classes in a blended format. It consists of a class plan, method, and schedule.

2. Class Design Board

It is used in discussing teaching methods to build a single class session with visualization. In the slides, graphics are used instead of sticky notes.

3. Class Design Sheet Application Guide

It outlines the structure of the lesson design sheet, what to fill out, and what to consider when implementing a blended class. It also provides examples of teaching methods used in blended classes and how to design a class using the "rebuild method."


Use Guide:ダウンロード

Using the toolkit to design and improve lessons offers the following advantages.


Just to let you know, only faculty and staff affiliated with Hokkaido University are welcome to consult with us regarding the design and improvement of hybrid-type classes using the toolkit.

Please get in touch with us at the e-mail address below.


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