Surrounding Area

56-64 Clinton and 1-59 Mercantile, located near Clinton, Mercantile, and Quincy Market, are found in one of the centers of business in Boston. It is not shocking then that one finds a variety of businesses in the parcel.

Market evolution

From 1883-1938, the markets surrounding the parcel kept their original locations and boundaries. The parcel has Quincy Market Cold Storage Warehouse to its north and Clinton Market in the southeast corner of the map. 

Picture of map from "Gaining Ground"

Seasholes, Nancy S. 2003. Gaining Ground: A History of Landmaking In Boston.

Land development

The parcel is located near a variety of docks and wharves, making the transportation of goods from ships to businesses quick and efficient. However, as ships became bigger, the docks and wharves were unable to accommodate for them. Eventually, Boston sold the dock between City and Long Wharves in 1852 which became filled in so buildings could be constructed on it (Seasholes 2003). One building that came out of this new land was the Mercantile Wharf Building.

Shand-Tucci, Douglas. 1978. Built In Boston: City and Suburb 1800-1950.

mercantile wharf building

The Mercantile Wharf Building was built in 1857 and is located at 75-117 Commercial Street (which is also 19-59 Mercantile on the other side). It was originally built as a storage warehouse for Quincy Market. It was built by architect Gridley J. Fox and the building is made of mostly "large-scaled and rough-hammered granite ashlar with monolithic granite piers" (Shand-Tucci 1978). The second image shown is the building today which is now known as "Mercantile Mall: Fine Shops and Restaurant."

Atlantic Ave entrance to Clinton and Quincy Markets

Atlantic Ave entrance to Clinton Market with Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Co. in the background

Boston (Mass.). Traffic & Parking Department. "Atlantic Avenue opposite Clinton Market."
aerial view of Quincy Market

A busy Quincy Market

Jones, Leslie. "Quincy Market showing Commercial Street."

Arial image of Clinton and Mercantile Markets

Ariel view of Clinton and Mercantile Markets

Jones, Leslie. "Clinton & Mercantile Markets from Custom House Tower."

1877 Boston Globe article: "The Vegetable Market on Clinton Street."

"The Vegetable Market on Clinton Street." 1877. Boston Daily Globe.

In 1877, Mercantile Wharf Corporation opened a new vegetable market on Clinton Street. This new installation of a vegetable market involved creating six new brick stores which were used for the sale of fruits and produce. This vegetable market transformed the produce business in Boston. 


Boston (Mass.). Traffic & Parking Department. "Atlantic Avenue opposite Clinton Market." Photograph. October 19, 1948. Digital Commonwealth,

Geo.W. and Walter S. Bromley. Atlas of the City of Boston. (1883). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston, Mass. (1888). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston, city proper and Roxbury. (1890). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston. (1895). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston, City Proper. (1898). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston. (1908). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

G.W. Bromley & Co. Atlas of the City of Boston. (1938). Philadelphia. Boston Public Library, via Atlascope. 

Jones, Leslie. "Clinton & Mercantile Markets from Custom House Tower." Photograph. [ca. 1924–1929]. Digital Commonwealth,

Jones, Leslie. "Quincy Market showing Commercial Street." Photograph. July 2, 1928. Digital Commonwealth,

Seasholes, Nancy S. 2003. Gaining Ground: A History of Landmaking In Boston. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Shand-Tucci, Douglas. 1978. Built In Boston: City and Suburb 1800-1950. Boston: New York Graphic Society.

"The Vegetable Market on Clinton Street." 1877. Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Apr 19, 3.