
To better understand this parcel requires further investigation of the buildings located within it. Examining the buildings' material makeup and infrastructural design is crucial within the context of the purpose that the buildings served. Throughout the 1800's, this parcel was home to businesses specializing in hardware, storage, paper stock, and even ship making. Through the use of Atlascope, we are able to uncover important features of the buildings on Commercial and Fulton Street, and how they changed over time. Below is a key to aid in the interpretation of the Sanborn Maps, followed by some key features unique to this webpages parcels of interest. 

interpreting sanborn maps:

Red: Brick building 

Green: Special hazards 

Open circle: Roof with metal covering

38': Height from street level

4: Indicates number of stories

S: Indicates store 

1882 Sanborn map showing subject parcel

Sanborn, Insurance Maps of Boston, 1882

1882 Sanborn Insurance Map indicating a bridge which connected the building on Fulton to the building on Commercial St.

Sanborn, Insurance Maps of Boston, 1882

1882 Sanborn Insurance Map indicating a bridge which connected the building on Fulton to the building on Commercial street. 

1882 Sanborn Insurance Map indicating a 6" water pipe running under Cross Street, perpendicular to Fulton and Commercial. 

1882 Sanborn Insurance Map indicating a 6" water pipe running under Cross Street, perpendicular to Fulton and Commercial.

Sanborn, Insurance Maps of Boston, 1882

Sanborn Insurance Map of subject parcel, 1867

Sanborn, Insurance Maps of Boston, 1867

This is the Sanborn Insurance Map from 1867 of the same parcel. It is not as detailed as the 1882 version, however, it indicates that the building on Commercial Street had a basement as shown by the letter "B". It also provides evidence that the bridge built between the two buildings likely occured some time after 1867.


Hodnefield, David. “How to Interpret Sanborn Maps.” Accessed May 8, 2021.

Library of Congress. “Collection Sanborn Maps.” Accessed May 3, 2021. 

Sanborn. Insurance Maps of Boston. New York: Sanborn Map & Publishing Co, 1867 & 1882. Via Atlascope.