
Actions of Classroom Teachers

We believe that quality instruction provided by knowledgeable and passionate teachers is essential to developing students who become literate citizens, employees, parents, and lifelong learners.


To foster literacy, all teachers should

  • Create a diverse and inclusive classroom culture that promotes literacy

  • Create a literacy rich learning space full of authentic texts that are culturally relevant, responsive, and sustainable

  • Be a champion for all students

  • Create and use balanced assessments

  • Analyze data to create responsive instruction that supports students’ needs and fuels their interests

  • Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure consistency of instruction

  • Infuse literacy into every subject by providing opportunities for students to read, write, listen, speak, and think critically

  • Model how to transfer and apply literacy skills to content area work

  • Engage in on-going professional learning


In addition, English Language Teachers should

  • Teach students the processes, strategies, and habits they need to understand and enjoy text

  • Make the thinking process for selecting text, problem-solving, comprehending, and self-monitoring visible for students

  • Develop literacy goals with students and communicate progress with students, families, and administrators