
Who helps foster LifeReady Literacy?

LifeReady Literacy for all students can only be accomplished through the collaboration of families, community partners, support staff, teachers, librarians, coaches, mental health professionals, educational specialists, administrators, and the HCPS School Board. We must, all of us, teach literacy behind every door, in every environment, and in every content area. Our end goal is to create independent, lifelong learners who become contributing citizens in a global society.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is when we are empowered to think, create, share, and grow as we learn to harness curiosity, model responsibility, explore content, leverage creativity, and deepen understanding. Developing a mindset where we constantly learn is the only way to succeed in the dynamic environment in which we live in today. This success empow­ers learners to persist in inquiry and advanced study, enriching profes­sional work and community partici­pation through continuous improve­ment within and beyond the school building and school day.

How Can I Help Foster Literacy?

Literacy is the foundation for all learning, and we believe that strengthening literacy prepares students to be LifeReady. Building this strong foundation, though, takes work, dedication, and support from all members of our community. We believe that developing students’ ability to read, write, communicate and think critically is a shared responsibility and each stakeholder plays an integral part in student success. By working together as a learning community and embracing a shared understanding of the power of literacy, we can commit to providing our students with the literacy foundation necessary to be LifeReady.