2023 - 2024

Create a school and division culture that values literacy

      • Provide professional learning on leveraging resources and positions to develop a culture of literacy.

      • Highlight school-based literacy activities on a division-wide level

      • Add videos of student and staff to personalize and illuminate the LifeReady Literacy Plan

      • Develop the transition of library spaces to a Library Learning Commons model

      • Continue to develop community partners to encourage and model a love reading and enable connected literacy experiences

      • Provide the HCPS School Board with an annual update on the progress towards stated outcomes

Support the implementation of evidence-based instructional strategies and curriculum

      • Refine the use of core literacy resources in all levels

          • Continue to provide professional learning to support the effective use of existing core materials

          • Continue to create curricular resources that support the use of existing core materials

          • Continue to support the use of the core intervention resources and assessments

      • Develop and/or continue to invest in core resources

          • Continue to secure resources that support elementary whole group and writing instruction

          • Continue to secure resources that support middle school instruction

          • Continue to increase the variety of text sets for high school

      • Maintain a Central Professional Collection Library to extend access to professional texts and resources.

Improve consistency in the use and analysis of balanced assessments

      • Continue to support the use of literacy assessments

      • Replenish materials, provide continued professional learning, and improve the consistency of administration

      • Evaluate the collection of elementary reading levels and make adjustments in procedure

      • Continue to enhance the use of performance tasks in secondary schools

      • Continue to strengthen the use of performance tasks in grades 3-5

Increase access to diverse and authentic text

      • Continue work to bring School Library Collections up to minimum standards, and beyond

      • Evaluate and augment school and classroom libraries

      • Continue to evaluate text used in all content areas for authenticity and diversity

Align the authentic application of literacy skills with all content areas

      • Continue to emphasize the integration of literacy in all areas

      • Purposefully embed literacy connections in all content area professional learning

      • Support cross-curricular collaboration to support literacy skills for authentic purposes