
Tier 1


High quality instruction that teaches grade level standards. Learning is differentiated within instruction to meet the needs of the students. Tier 1 instruction is provided to all students.

Tier 1 instruction provides a window into each student's literacy strengths and needs. When data indicates a need, differentiated instruction should be planned for students needing remediation support as well as for those needing advanced instruction.


Reading instruction takes place in a whole group, small groups, and with individual students throughout the day.

Key elements include:

  • Reading aloud daily for pleasure

  • Use of authentic text for a variety of instructional purposes

  • Opportunities to practice phonemic awareness and phonics

  • Alphabetic, concept of print, and concept of word

  • Self-selected reading


Authentic writing experiences are used to teach how oral language connects to print and contains meaning.

Key elements include:

  • Interactive and shared writing experiences

  • Instruction in letter formation

  • Name writing

  • Writing for sounds

  • Writing for authentic purposes

  • Using pictures and words to convey meaning


Assessments that evaluate progress and guide instruction.

Key assessments include:

  • Anecdotal notes

  • Observational data

  • Quick checks for a specific skill (letter identification, sounds, rhyme, etc.)

  • TS Gold

  • Bracken

  • Pre K PALS

Tier 2


Tier 2 Interventions are implemented when assessment data indicates that a student is not making adequate progress from universal instruction (Tier 1) alone and requires more specific, targeted support. Tier 2 Intervention is typically accessed by 10-15% of all students.

Reading | Writing | Assessment

Using baseline data, an additional support plan beyond Tier I instruction will be developed for the student by the teacher in collaboration with their Lead Teacher and other team members. The plan outlines additional targeted instruction to support student growth. Goals are made and a timeline provided to monitor student growth.

Tier 3


Tier 3 Interventions offer a student highly individualized, systematic and explicit instruction in an area of assessed need. This intensive remediation of basic skills is for a very small number (5-10%) of students that have evidenced either significantly low skills or have not responded with an acceptable rate of improvement in Tier 2.

Reading | Writing | Assessment

Additional instructional time may be provided and embedded into the day for the student provided by the teacher and instructional assistant. Additional consultation with the Pre K administrative team and/or other Henrico support teams as needed.