School Leaders

Actions of School Leaders

School leaders, such as building principals, create a school-wide community and guide the learning experience by setting building-level expectations and procedures. Building Administrators interact daily with teachers, staff, and students to build trust, communication and collaboration. School leaders foster literacy by

  • Developing a school-wide culture that values literacy and aligns with the Division's literacy goals

  • Creating a master schedule that facilitates literacy instruction

  • Engaging in data analysis to establish a school-wide focus and to identify supports needed to close gaps

  • Developing a long range plan (VCSIP) to monitor and close reading gaps for all students

  • Securing materials and resources that support literacy activities across all learning contexts

  • Ensuring the implementation of literacy instruction in each classroom by conducting walkthroughs and observations, providing feedback, and facilitating professional learning

  • Engaging in on-going professional learning that expands understanding of literacy instruction