9 - 12

Tier 1


High quality instruction that teaches grade level standards. Learning is differentiated within instruction to meet the needs of the students. Tier 1 instruction is provided to all students.

Tier 1 instruction provides a window into each student's literacy strengths and needs. When data indicates a need, differentiated instruction should be planned for students needing remediation support as well as for those needing advanced instruction.


Reading instruction includes time for whole group and small group instruction. Theme based text sets are used.

Key elements include:

  • Explicitly teach reading strategies and skills

  • Read Aloud/Think Aloud/ Model reading strategies and skills with an authentic anchor text

  • Apply reading strategies and skills with authentic choice texts

  • Teach vocabulary in context

  • Engage in collaborative conversations about texts and themes

  • Analyze purposes of texts

  • Practice skills in an on-going manner


A Writing Workshop Model is employed.

Key elements include:

  • Daily Quick Writes connected to unit themes

  • Explicit instruction in grammar and writing

  • Mentor Texts to model grammar and writing techniques and strategies

  • Reading Response Journals

  • Research practice

  • Authentic/ Performance based writing tasks

  • Teacher and peer feedback

  • Self-reflection


Assessments focused on thinking, strategies and skills are used to evaluate progress and guide instruction.

Key assessments include:

  • Daily Formative Assessment Activities

  • Short Writings & Essays

  • Embedded Performance Tasks

  • Multiple Choice using Question Stems

Tier 2


Tier 2 Interventions are implemented when assessment data indicates that a student is not making adequate progress from universal instruction (Tier 1) alone and requires more specific, targeted support. Tier 2 Intervention is typically accessed by 10-15% of all students.

Reading | Writing | Assessment

Targeted (Tier 2) Interventions are:

  • Provided in addition to Tier 1 classroom instruction

  • Delivered by a highly qualified teacher or other trained professional (interventionists)

  • Intended to remediate basic skills to indirectly support performance in the content area (close the gaps)

  • Delivered in small groups and designed to meet the specific needs of a student and his/her peers with similar needs

  • Evidenced-based and may be determined by utilizing both a curricula protocol and individual problem solving

  • Targeted to the identified area of need, highly interactive (both oral and written), and skills are directly applied.

Response to Targeted Intervention (RtI) is assessed bi-weekly through progress monitoring using a curriculum-based measurement.

Tier 3


Tier 3 Interventions offer a student highly individualized, systematic and explicit instruction in an area of assessed need. This intensive remediation of basic skills is for a very small number (5-10%) of students that have evidenced either significantly low skills or have not responded with an acceptable rate of improvement in Tier 2.

Reading | Writing | Assessment

Targeted (Tier 2) Interventions are:

  • Provided in addition to Tier 1 classroom instruction

  • Delivered by a highly qualified teacher or other trained professional (interventionists)

  • Intended to remediate basic skills to indirectly support performance in the content area (close the gaps)

  • Delivered in small groups and designed to meet the specific needs of a student and his/her peers with similar needs

  • Evidenced-based and may be determined by utilizing both a curricula protocol and individual problem solving

  • Targeted to the identified area of need, highly interactive (both oral and written), and skills are directly applied.

Response to Targeted Intervention (RtI) is assessed bi-weekly through progress monitoring using a curriculum-based measurement.