English Endeavors

Chapter Lectures and Annotation Supports

HeLa Reading Schedule

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Reading Schedule

Deep Analysis Questions (DAQ's)

Deep Analysis Questions (DAQ's): The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Annotation & Recall Questions (ARQ's)

Student Questions - To Help with Annotations

General Instructions for Project

Your groups have been selected for you. It is expected that you utilize this time whenever possible and granted. That said, there are some requirements that you will be expected to adhere to for this assignment.

Step One (1):

Create a team drive TITLED WITH THE YEAR and YOUR GROUP NUMBER ONLY example (2020 - Group 13) where all members are given access including Mrs. Garvar, Mr. Koegle, and Mrs. Bisacchi. Team Google drives are different in that all members have equal access and no one person is the owner. All members own the drive equally and no one can be locked out. One person can create it, but all members must have “FULL ACCESS” including all teachers. If anyone deletes the drive/folder, the teachers will see that action. - Due April 19th.

Step Two (2):

Within the Team drive you must have the following folders listed below. This is where we will look when we examine the process of your work for your final projects for this assignment. All teachers and group members can look in here and leave feedback at any time during this process - Due April 19th:

    1. Written Paper
    2. Video PSA/PPV
    3. Debate

Step Three (3):

Within some of those folders you may consider sub-folders for yourselves and instructors to see some of your process along the way such as

    1. Final draft
    2. Rough drafts
    3. Articles and Research
    4. Notes

Step Four (4):

You must all log on under your own account any time you participate in working and do your own work if you wish to receive credit for working. All teachers will be logging on periodically to monitor your work and progress as we can see the digital history of your participation. Doing a copy and paste or having a group member do it for you looks like you are not participating. You must learn how to use the computer and do it yourself if you wish to receive credit for your work. Keep in mind these are future business skill you need. You must log in your Accountability form every single thing you do for this project.

Step Five (5):

Please make sure your Accountability Forms are completed through Google Classroom and must be on time. You will complete one form as a group and will log grades and tasks that you have done in detail. If you do not have that completed on time, your group will receive a zero for that log week. Your drive history must also match your log and must demonstrate equal amounts of work among members to receive credit or a teacher team member will be speaking with you.

Annotation Assistance Questions (?'s)

Deep Analysis Questions (DAQ's)