REMOTE Learning

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and their parents about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require school closures, entire cohorts (or bubbles), or individual children and small groups to remain at home.

Please click on the relevant heading to reveal the detail for this aspect of our provision.

School Closure

Home Learning Provision

Year 1 and Year 2

  • Directed English and Maths are set on Google Classroom each day. These are differentiated to children’s ability, including an extra support and an extra challenge option. These include live sessions with a class teacher. Children are expected to complete these sessions within the same day and submit their learning so that teachers can offer individual feedback, adjust the following day's teaching and determine any necessary intervention.

  • Directed Phonics or Spelling tasks are set on Google Classroom each day. These follow the Letters and Sounds progression and structure, as is used in school. A daily video is provided for the children to join in with before completing differentiated follow up tasks. Children may also be set additional phonics sessions, focusing on their individual next steps.

  • Directed Foundation Subjects are set in a similar way to if children were in school, ensuring coverage of the regular timetabled lessons, albeit adapted to suit home learning needs. One foundation subject will be assigned a day, supplemented by active sessions and PE which can be scheduled as suits each family. An introductory video and explanation will be provided for each foundation subject task. PSHE will be taught live each week.

  • Reading - all families have access to 'Bug Club' which is an online literacy program designed to support the effective and engaging teaching of reading. Children have access to books online selected by their teacher to match their specific reading level.

  • Children take part in Google Meet interventions as requested by their teachers. This might include a separate scheduled meet or staying online after the whole class live session.

  • Online Celebration Assembly takes place weekly to mark children's achievements from that week.

  • Focus Weeks will take place as usual with learning and activities adapted for online participation.


  • Children will take part in a morning Google Meet to set out the work and learning for the day.

  • Directed Phonics and Topic tasks are set via Tapestry each day. These include support and extension pre-recorded sessions to enable differentiation. There is live maths session daily with a class teacher and a follow up activity. All children are invited to upload their responses to learning on Tapestry.

  • Reading - all families have access to 'Bug Club' which is an online literacy program designed to support the effective and engaging teaching of reading. Children have access to books online selected by their teacher to match their specific reading level.

  • Additional Pre- recorded Sessions in line with the Early Years curriculum are available weekly to support learning at home. Children are invited to upload their responses in Tapestry. Sessions include a weekly STEM, Music and PSHE lessons.

  • Children take part in Google Meet interventions as requested by their teachers. This might include a separate scheduled meet or staying online after the whole class live session.

  • Online Celebration Assembly takes place weekly to mark children's achievements from that week.

  • Focus Weeks will take place as usual with learning and activities adapted for online participation.


  • Children will take part in a morning or afternoon Google Meet with a class teacher or member of the Nursery Team with a follow up activity.

  • Daily Phonics and Story - pre-recorded sessions are set on Tapestry each day. These introduce and explain the associated follow up activities. All children are invited to upload their responses to learning on Tapestry.

  • Additional Pre- recorded Sessions in line with the Early Years curriculum are available.

  • Online Celebration Assembly takes place weekly to mark children's achievements from that week.

  • Focus Weeks will take place as usual with learning and activities adapted for online participation.

Staff responsibilities to support home learning provision

Teaching and Learning staff use any time they are not teaching the children in school to complete the following tasks:

  • Monitor Google Classroom/Tapestry and provide prompt feedback to children learning at home.

  • Carry out interventions with children already identified as needing additional support in a particular area of their learning

  • Planning and preparation for upcoming lessons or interventions.

  • Record videos for upcoming Maths/English/Topic inputs

  • Record other content for Google Classroom/Tapestry such as reading aloud a story or other weekly sessions in line with expectations for individual year groups.

  • Making contact with pupils and parents as necessary.

  • Continue work needed to fulfil other roles within the school community eg: attending professional development training, working on curriculum policies, etc.

In School Provision (for children of Critical Workers and other identified vulnerable children)

  • AM Session 1 - English/Phonics taught by a Class Teacher in the year group.

  • AM Session 2 - Maths taught by a Class Teacher in the year group.

  • PM - Foundation subjects/EYFS provision supported by Teaching Assistants. Planning and recorded inputs are completed by teachers and adapted as necessary, teachers remain nearby to support with any behaviour issues as needed. Activities should ensure children do not need to work in close proximity as social distancing will be encouraged within classrooms due to smaller pupil numbers.

Questions you may have

How does my child access the live sessions?

KS1 - Sign in to Google Classroom and navigate to Classwork. Wait for the Google Meet assignment to go live (Year 2 -9.00 and 10.30, Year 1 -9.30 and 11.00). Click on the link within the assignment.

EYFS - The google meet codes for each class are found on the daily timetable on Tapestry.

How does my child access any online remote education?

KS1 - We use Google Classroom for all our home learning. Every child has their own login (call the school office if they cannot access this). Work is set each day, with video input from class teachers to support their understanding and engagement. All instructions and all communication with class teachers takes place through Google Classroom initially.

EYFS - We use Tapestry for our younger children. Every child has their own login (call the school office if they cannot access this). Work is set each day, with video input from class teachers to support their understanding and engagement.

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

KS1 - 3-4 hours each day

Reception - Approximately 2-3 hours each day

Nursery - Approximately 2 hours each day

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We have offered to loan a laptop to any child that has no access to a suitable device. If your child is sharing with another family member or having to use a mobile phone to access their learning, please contact the school office and we will arrange for you to borrow a school laptop.

We may also be able to provide internet access to your home through a government scheme. Please contact the school office if you are having to use mobile data or have any other internet issues which may inhibit your child's learning.

How will my child be taught remotely?

Please see the section above which details the daily learning provision.

Why are there not more live teaching sessions?

Our home learning provision has grown significantly since the period of closure last year. The enhancements include up to two live sessions with your child's teacher each day, pre-recorded video teaching for most lessons and small group interventions within a day of learning.

If all lessons were taught face to face, we would not be able to offer this wider provision and more personalised catch up support. Families who are unable to access the lesson on time, would also be disadvantaged. With pre-recorded videos, children can also pause and rewind the teacher's input to better understand what is being taught.

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

Children - We expect every child to attend the live sessions with the Class Teacher. We also expect every child to hand in their English and Maths learning each day. We would like all children to engage in the learning and we invite them to upload their responses to Google Classroom or Tapestry. Dependant on the child's age and needs we would like them to be as independent as possible in their learning so that all family members are able to manage during this time of lockdown.

Parents and carers - We expect you to ensure your child is dressed and sat in an appropriate location to attend their live sessions. We expect you adhere to the Google Meet Code of Conduct which has been sent to all parent/carers. We expect you to maintain appropriate routines and structure for your child's day including a break for lunch and an appropriate bedtime. We expect you to inform us if your child is sharing a device or is in some way restricted from engaging in their learning so that we can support you.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

Your child's teacher monitors the live sessions as they are delivered. This means most of the time, children receive real-time, immediate feedback to questions and learning that occurs. Each day, this learning is reviewed by the teaching team and sessions are planned to offer clarification to address misconceptions or to provide further challenge.

If there are concerns about your child's engagement, class teachers or the office staff will call you to discuss how we can work together to support your child.

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and have set up our home learning offer to provide as much support as possible, including:

  • video teaching and additional live intervention sessions

  • managing our in-school provision to allow key staff to be available to support those at home

  • by providing school places to the most vulnerable

If you need any further support, please contact the school office who will be glad to assist you or direct you to the person best placed to do so.

Strategy to ensure a smooth transition from learning in school to learning at home

  • All homework tasks, including feedback on reading, will be set via Google Classroom/ Tapestry, enabling children to feel confident with the set up in which their home learning will take place

  • Teachers will facilitate conversations with children and parents if online learning at home is an issue, emphasising that each week’s homework is a dry run for future lockdowns as much as it is ongoing learning support

  • Laptops for children who do not have access to them will be provided before school closures to ensure these children will have immediate access to any home learning

  • Google Classroom/Tapestry logins are sent home via email

  • Teachers to be aware of children who struggled either academically or emotionally during March-July school closure

Individual or small groups of children isolating

  • English/ Phonics, Maths and Topic home learning will be set with the expectation that children complete this and they are invited to upload their responses. This learning will mirror the in-school learning so that it is meaningful and ambitious in helping them to continue to progress in their learning.

  • Comments to be given daily by the child's class teacher on their home learning to enable them to make progress.

  • Phone calls or Google Meets with those isolating should be undertaken at least weekly.

Whole classes (or bubbles) isolating at home

  • Directed English, Phonics and Maths tasks to be set via Google Classroom/Tapestry each day. These will be differentiated to children’s ability. English or Maths inputs will be taught live each day.

  • Directed foundation subjects will be set in a similar way to if children were in school - this includes a weekly PSHE lesson. Some sessions will be taught live and others will have the teacher input pre-recorded.

  • During isolation, teachers will ‘RAG rate’ their pupils, making notes on how well children appear to be coping at home and if learning is being completed.

  • The class teacher or TA may share the workload of monitoring and supporting home learning to enable small intervention groups via Google Meet with select children where necessary. This is likely to commence within the first 3 days of any bubble closing.

Staff absence: Covering responsibilities in the case of staff illness

  • Where one class teacher is unable to work due to being unwell, the rest of the year team will cover the allocation and marking of work deploying TAs where appropriate.

  • Where all class teachers in a year group are unable to work, the planning and covering of the classrooms will be managed by a member of SST (where this SST member has their own class, this will be covered by their year group teachers)

  • Where a TA is unable to work, their duties will be covered by other members of staff in the year group, directed by the year lead

  • Other scenarios will be considered as they develop

Remote Home Learning

If a child or class is asked to isolate due to Covid-19, the school will provide learning that can be accessed at home. This will be provided by the school online or if unable to access learning online, by paper packs.

Tapestry for Early Years: Work will be set through Tapestry for children to access on the first full day of isolation. There will be activities set daily.

Google Classroom for Key Stage One: Work will be available through Google Classroom on the first full day of isolation. There will be lessons daily.

If a whole class is isolating, a timetable will be sent to parents detailing a schedule of live lessons, activities and tasks for all children to participate in.