

At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School, we know that our children learn best when school and parents work together. Supporting your child with their learning at home is a wonderful opportunity for parents and carers to be involved in the learning journey. All our children have weekly homework set by their class teachers, appropriate for their age and stage. This is set via Tapestry for Early Years and via Google Classroom for children in years one and two. The activities given relate to areas the children are studying in class.


Nurturing the love of reading for all our children is an important value here at HWINS and we pride ourselves in being a 'power of reading' school. We know that our parents value this too as our children talk fondly about their favourite books and stories that are read to them at home. We ask parents to hear children read every day with books provided for them by school. We have found that working in partnership is the best way to encourage early readers and develop fluency and comprehension in all year groups.