Gallery of events

Year 2 Leavers

On Tuesday 23rd our Year 2 children performed their final production at HWINS. It was truly amazing, with many happy tears from parents as they watched their performance of The Bee Musical. 

As a special treat the children spent the rest of the day having fun on the Banana Bus!

July 2024

Year 1 Seaside Workshop 

This week our Year 1 children took part in a workshop, which focused on how the seaside has changed over time. As a part of this they compared a Victorian seaside experience to a trip to the seaside today, explored seaside activities and learnt many interesting facts about their topic. 

July 2024

Reception: Grandparents’ Tea Party 

Recently, the Reception children have been learning about the story of ‘The Train Ride’, and how things have changed over time. Yesterday, in support of this, the children in Reception held a tea party for their grandparents. Thank you to everyone that attended. The children were delighted to see you and share tea and cake with you! 

May 2024

Reception: Bus Visit 

This morning our Reception children were visited by a real-life bus when it came to visit the playground. The bus that came to visit us was 72 years old and had no sliding doors. Instead, the children had to get on at the back of the bus and the bus conductor came to give everyone their own bus ticket. 

April 2024

Reception: Circus Skills 

The Reception children had a wonderful time at the circus skills workshop on Thursday morning. They have been learning about the circus as part of their power of reading book ‘Biscuit Bear’. They had so much fun watching a circus act and then having a go at some circus skills themselves. Very impressive! 

February 2024

Year 2: Oak Tree Class Assembly

The children treated us to a glimpse of all their learning so far this year. They went back in time to the Great Fire of London and captivated us with their retelling of the events in the form of drama and song. We learnt that the most important thing in Oak Class are the friends we make. What a lovely assembly – thank you Oak Class. 

February 2024

Year 1: Toy Workshop 

This week the Year 1 classes enjoyed a visit from Chertsey Museum for an interactive workshop. For their history topic this term, they are learning about toys past and present. During the workshop, they were able to play with and learn about toys from previous generations. It was lovely to see their enthusiasm as they fully engaged in their learning. 

January 2024

Year 2: Maple Tree Class Assembly

On Wednesday, Miss Griggs led a wonderful assembly, which was full of songs and alien adventures! The children spoke clearly and confidently. After the assembly parents enjoyed refreshments and a chance to look at their child’s books. We look forward to the rest of the class assemblies in the coming weeks.

January 2024

Reception: Dressed for Success! 

The Reception children have been considering their future careers today. They came dressed up as their future self in their chosen occupation. We had footballers, archaeologists, astronauts, artists, doctors, firefighters amongst many others and some very excited children. It is clear a lot of thought had gone into their choices! Thank you for supporting your child with this topic. 

January 2024

Eco Award!

On Thursday, we had a wonderful assembly from some of the parents from our Eco Team. The children heard what we are doing well as a school and some ways in which we can be even better! At the end of the assembly, we celebrated the fact that we have achieved the Eco Schools Award and we unveiled the Eco Flag which we will proudly hang outside our school. Some of the children who were in our Eco Team last year (and are now at St. John’s) came back to join the assembly. It was a great example of our school community working together. Well done to all involved and we look forward to hearing more from our Eco Team throughout the rest of the year. 

January 2024

OfSTED Grand Reveal 

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the grand reveal on Wednesday. The school was judged Outstanding in every area, and described as “a calm and stimulating place to learn” where “All pupils achieve highly.” We are grateful for your support throughout the inspection process and are incredibly proud of all of the children for showing “high levels of maturity and care for each other.” It is an incredible achievement, and a testament to the hard work, dedication and collaboration of our school community.

November 2023

Pantomime Time!

The children ended the week on a high with their class parties on Wednesday. The children looked especially festive in their party clothes. This morning Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a Christmas Panto – Peter Pan. It has been a wonderful fun-filled week for all of us! 

December 2023

Year 2:  Trip to the Look Out Discovery Centre

 Despite a very cold wind, the Year 2 children had a great day at the Look Out Discovery Centre on Wednesday. They behaved superbly and eagerly took part in all of the activities. 

December 2023

Bonfire night and diwali

On 5th November the children in Nursery and Reception spent time with Claire from Brilliant Play Forest School building a fire, observing the changing seasons and learning how to stay safe at this time of year.  The children in Nursery toasted and tasted marshmallows and the children in Reception popped popcorn and made charcoal for use in their art sessions later in the term. 

Halloween Trail 

A warm and toasty thank you to everyone who came to the Halloween Trail - we were able to raise a solid £519.45 profit from the event including takings from the Wilderness Cafe stand. A big shout out to the volunteers for bringing this memorable event together and in particular Claire from the Wilderness Club and our new baking team for all the spooky themed treats. 

October 2023

PE Focus Week 

Despite the weather and Ofsted Inspection, the focus week went ahead largely as planned this week. The children worked very hard and listened to the instructions given by the Sports Leaders very well. From all the cheering and clapping that could be heard we know the week was a huge success. 

October 2023

Young Carers

This week the children were visited in assembly by Sophie from the Young Carers Charity in Richmond.

The assembly focused on understanding what we mean by caring and what a young carer is.

Mrs Dawes and I proudly listened to the superb explanations from our children when describing what caring means and how they care for each other. As a school we are committed to recognising and supporting our young carers.

September 2023