At Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School we are particularly proud of our inclusive community. We are committed to meeting the needs of all learners and have high expectations for all children including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Our SEND information report offers more detailed guidance:

SEND Information Report. pdf

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Laura Dawes

She can be contacted through the school office on the telephone number 020 8977-3971 or by email at

All Richmond schools are supported by the local authority to ensure that pupils make the best possible progress in school and are given the greatest chance to meet their potential. Further information and details of the support for young people and their families regarding SEND can be found in the Local Offer managed by Achieving for Children.

CLICK HERE for the AFC Local Offer

Free confidential and impartial support and advice for parents and carers, children and young people is offered by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services or SENDIASS.

CLICK HERE for more info on SENDIASS


Below you will find a list of information websites, tips and resources to help you support your children with their additional needs, wellbeing and mental health.  Every child is unique and there is no 'one size fits all' approach. These SEND strategies will be beneficial to many children, whether or not they have a special educational need, so select the resources that meet the needs of your child, without worrying too much about the label or category they fall under. 

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Support for children to understand Coronavirus: Children's Guide to Corona Virus  and Corona Virus Story

Kingston and Richmond AfC (local authority) online workshops to support with advice around childhood anxiety, sleep difficulties, low mood and bereavement:  Click here

Emotional wellbeing:  Action for Children

Activities, games and apps for wellbeing and mental health:  Mentally Healthy Schools / Childline - Calm-zone

Zones of Regulation emotions intervention:  Zones of Regulation

If you are concerned about your child's mental health, please talk to the class teacher, SENCo, your GP or  NHS ( or for more information here: Click here )

Outside of school hours, if you are very concerned about your child's mental health, here are sources of support: Place2be / Young Minds

Fine and gross motor skills, and sensory needs

Activities and exercises to help with fine motor, handwriting, sensory processing and self-care. Remember to select the link 'Resources for parents during the Coronavirus restrictions.' NHS - Occupational Therapy Children


Dyspraxia Foundation 

Movement Matters 

Speech and Language 

Activities and advice from the Richmond (NHS) Speech and Language Therapy Team for issues such as early language development, stammering, speech sound production difficulties (pronouncing sounds), social communication (Autism), hearing impairment and EAL (learning English as an additional language):

NHS - Speech Therapy 

If you continue to have concerns about your child's speaking, listening or understanding this service runs a parent advice line (020 8973 3512), or alternatively contact the class teacher or SENCo. 


Autism support - 5 Point Scale

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 

ADHD Foundation

Dyslexia (Specific Literacy Difficulties)

How can I Support my Child

Working Memory

Memory Boosters

Free Audio Stories


Dyscalculia and Maths Difficulties