Intent statement  -  PSHE

At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School, PSHE aims to prepare our children to become healthy, happy, confident and responsible members of society. In a nurturing environment, our children explore moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in today’s diverse society and enable them to develop mutual respect for others’ ideas and beliefs. 

Opportunities are provided through discrete lessons and incidental learning, whereby teachers use teaching moments to respond to situations as they occur, to learn about the rights and responsibilities that come with being a responsible member of society. PSHE provides our children with the tools to communicate their feelings and explore emotions that will build their resilience. In addition to classroom activities, children are encouraged to develop a sense of self-worth by contributing to school life and the wider community.


At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery school the intent of our Sex and Relationships Education (RSE) is to nurture and support our children through their physical, emotional and moral development. Our RSE programme, firmly embedded in PSHE, will help our children to learn to move with confidence from childhood, through the significant life stages, to become responsible members of society who respect themselves and others.

RSE is always taught with due regard to moral and legal considerations and within the explicit values of family life and committed, supportive relationships. We recognise that family units may be made up in different ways, for example, single parents, divorced families, nuclear families, same sex partnerships, adopted children, extended or bereaved families or step families. All different family structures will be valued equally and children will be encouraged to share what is positive about their family and to feel those contributions have equal weight. 

RSE is taught by teachers who are experienced and have been specifically trained – through our continuing professional development programme – in this aspect of education.