Key Stage 1 Reading, spelling and Phonics

Phonics Screening Check

An integral part of learning to read is the use of systematic synthetic phonics. At Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School we teach phonics everyday as part of our English curriculum as we believe that phonics are the building blocks of reading and writing. We follow the Letters and Sounds programme which ensures a progression of skills from Nursery to Year 2. During Year 1 the children take part in the Phonics Screening Check and below we have answered some frequently asked questions.

What is the Phonics Screening Check?

The phonics screening check is designed to confirm whether children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It will identify children who need extra help to improve their decoding skills.

When does the Check take place?

The Phonics Screening Check will run across a week during June as determined by the Government. If your child is absent during this week they will be able to take the check within the following week. If your child is absent across both weeks they will take the check in Year 2.

How does the check work?

The check consists of 20 real words and 20 pseudo-words that a child reads aloud to their class teacher. The class teacher marks whether the child has decoded the work correctly or not. The children will refer to the pseudo words as “alien” words.

Who takes the check?

All children who have reached the end of year 1 will take the check. Children in year 2 must also take the check if they didn’t meet the required standard in year 1 or if they haven’t taken it before.

What happens after the check?

Each child’s phonics screening check score will be included as part of their annual school report. If a child has not met the required standard they will continue to receive targeted support in phonics as part our curriculum offer and will retake the Check in Year 2.

How can I help my child?

Regular attendance at school ensures that your child benefits from high quality first teaching from his/her teacher. If your child needs further support they will be included in phonics interventions and then invited to attend an earlybird session where they will consolidate their phonics learning.

Your child could further practise their phonics at home by using

They could practise reading and writing phonics using sound mats which can be downloaded at

Please note that in year 1 the children will be working on Phases 2-5.

If you have any concerns about the Phonics Screening Check, please speak to your child’s class teacher.