Nestler 0292 Multimath

The 0292 Multimath model was produced in Germany from 1962 until 1972, according with the German Collectors website, but I have found in the WEB pictures of models fabricated by 1975. so it is possible that this model were manufactured until 1978, last year Nestler sold slide rules.

Fabricated with Astralon (Poly-Vynil-Chloride) the body and slider, and with clear plastic the cursor, this assembled with plastic braces, everything hold with only two small screws. The scales were engraved on this PVC. and had double labeling at their ends: the slide rule standard at the left end, and the corresponding mathematical at the right, something very usual in rules made by Germany Companies in the 1960's and 1970's

The rule's body was hold with metallic braces (aluminum) covered with a thin gray (plastic?) coat, those models fabricated during the 1960's, and with white Astralon plastic braces those models manufactured in the 1970's.

With 28 scales, this rule was the most powerful rule fabricated by Nestler, and is very well suited for Science and Engineering work. The scales on the 0292 model are: P, S (Sin Cos), T1 (Tan>45° Cot), T2 (Tan<45° Cot), A [B, K, CI, C ] D, R1, R2, L, ST on the front face. and LL0, LL01, LL02, LL03, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C ] D, LL3, LL2, LL1, LL0 on the back face. Additionally, its cursor has three gauge lines on the front side to quickly transform Kw to HP and PS, as well as area of circles given the diameter. On the back, the cursor has only one gauge line to quickly convert degrees into seconds and vice versa.

This model was also commercialized by the company Staedtler as their rule model 544-28. According with the number engraved in the rule, the model 0292 in this collection was fabricated in May-1967.

It is possible to solve the next problems with a precision of two-three decimals using the 0292 Multimath:


Here is a User Manual to learn how to operate the 0292 scanned by the ISRM. This manual was really written also for the model 0291:


Click on the next links to see professional panoramic pictures of the 0290 model
