U.S. News

The Pentagon Confirms UFO Videos and It’s Barely News

Right now the USA is in the midst of a pandemic, a terrifying illness that is spreading throughout the country and leaving us confined to our homes. When any American turns on their TV, they’re bombarded by COVID-19 news. It’s all anyone can talk about. But, on April 27, 2020, the Pentagon officially confirmed the authenticity of the videos of UFOs that were leaked.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the videos are of actual extraterrestrial activity, but it does provide for a bit of speculation from everyone. With the size of the universe that we live in, it’s pretty hard to imagine that we’re the only planet that can truly sustain life.

Sean Illing, a journalist for Vox, interviewed Alexander Wendt, a professor at Ohio State University, who he says is “about the closest thing you’ll find to a UFO expert in this world.” Alexander Wendt believes that there’s a certain taboo around investigating UFOs. He explained his reasoning, saying scientists will “study whatever we find fascinating… but in this case, scientists won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.” Wendt also excavated the possibility that aliens are here on Earth. He thinks “if they are here, they’ve probably been here for a very long time.”

CNN also wrote a story on the matter of UFOs, even interviewing one of the pilots, David Fravor, who witnessed the sightings. He said “as I got close to it… it rapidly accelerated...disappeared in less than two seconds” he described the alleged UFO “like a ping pong ball.” This movement would eliminate the idea that the sighting was a comet, and probably also that it was made by our technology. Luis Elizondo, the former head of the program that investigates activity such as this, believes that the government “needs to take a serious scientific look” regarding the videos in question and continue to research.

One of the videos shot off the Atlantic coast displays a pilot who says “they’re all going against the wind, the wind’s 120 miles to the west.” That quote showcases that we need to take action, we have no idea exactly what these phenomenons are and to simply deny that they exist would be irrational.

The pandemic that is gripping our country is extremely important, but so is the possibility of extraterrestrial life forms. The idea that aliens exist is something that people have always speculated on. Forty years ago, if you said you saw an alien or a UFO you would be called crazy. Now, however, it doesn’t seem so insane that they exist. It actually seems to make a lot more sense than if they didn’t.

Read the Dukes Dispatch’s Coverage of the original video leak here.