World News

2 million worldwide covid-19 fatalities

With cases still on the rise, this number will keep increasing.

As of Friday, January 15, there are 2 million people documented to have died from the corona-virus.

While the 2 million figure is alarming, experts say the legitimate death toll is likely substantially greater than projected.

According to an article at NBC News, 18,000 worldwide fatalities have occurred daily over the past week.

Only confirmed Covid-19 deaths are included in the death tally, which means that people who die without a firm diagnosis may not be included.

The pandemic has caused the deadliest global epidemic from the time of the emergence of HIV/AIDS four decades ago, and this is now known as the deadliest respiratory pandemic in a century.

The fatality numbers are almost equal to the population of the state of Nebraska.

Covid-19 will continue on this increasing trajectory until people start taking this pandemic with forethought: wear your mask, stay indoors when possible, and please stay socially distanced. This will change the entire direction of the pandemic.