
Why Snow Days Shouldn’t Go Away

And why they are important

Reporter Kelsie Henderson

When coronavirus is over, will that be an end to all of our snow days as we know it? With a new bill being passed by the Virginia State Senate, which would require online school on snow days, that might just be the case. But is this decision good for students and teachers?

When you think of snow, do you think of school, or do you think of the excitement of waking up and hearing that there is no school and getting to go back to sleep for a couple extra hours? One of the best parts of a snowday is being able to relax at home for a day without having the stress of work piling up over your head. Many people may even use this opportunity to finish uncompleted work!

Plus, school is very stressful for both teachers and students. Some might be looking for a break to catch up on work or to just have some time to themselves. Both are important and should be taken seriously.

Little kids in Elementary school definitely look forward to these breaks so that they can play in the snow with their siblings. Elementary schoolers especially find it fun, why take that away from them?

In conclusion, say what you will about the bill not taking snow days away, it still involves us doing assigned schoolwork on a day that we should just be at home with our family. That in my mind is taking school days away.