Governor Ralph Northam Announces Plan to Reopen Virginia

Editor In Chief Orlando Angelone

(Dukes' Dispatch) - As many states have made the choice to begin the process of reopening both socially and economically, Virginia has decided to look into doing the same. This could be happening as soon as the 15th of May, according to Governor Ralph Northam (D).

According to Governor Northam, he believes that Virginia has lessened the blow of the covid 19 outbreak. The Governor wishes to convey to the people of Virginia that the doctrine of, "safer at home, rather than stay at home,” and that citizens should, "[wear] face masks at work.”

The current stay at home order issued by Northam is set to expire on May 14, and with its ending we would see the reopening of many businesses with restrictions in place such as, policies to keep customers and workers separate, conferences and trade shows limited or as short as possible, short breaks for workers to wash hands, separate guidelines for specific businesses, and lower capacities in gyms, restaurants, and shops.

The reopening of the state hinges on specific keystones such as a steady decrease of cases and hospitalizations, a growing supply of PPE, and a continuation of heavy testing.

Northam also noted that, "Our hospitals have been reporting less and less difficulty in PPE for patient care,” also saying that, “We have continued to trend downward since the beginning of April.”