HS Orchestra Winter Concert

Friday, December 2nd

WHO:  Concert Orchestra and Advanced Orchestra

WHAT:  2022 Winter Concert - Unheard Melodies

WHERE:  Grand Blanc High School Howard Pepper Auditorium

COST:  TICKETS REQUIRED.  Set your own price.

You are invited

This is an invitation to you, your family and friends to attend our upcoming concert. On Fridauy, December 2nd, the GBHS Instrumental Music Program will present Unheard Melodies at 7pm in the Howard Pepper Auditorium. The concert will feature the GBHS Concert Orchestra and Advanced Orchestra

TICKETS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS CONCERT. The best part about this is that you get to PICK YOUR OWN SEATS. When you arrive at the concert, you can go directly to the seats that you reserved.  You will be able to set your own price for the concert tickets.


Reserved seats required

You will be able to set your own price for your seats, but we suggest the $5 for all seats. 

This is a pre-concert ticket sale only. You WILL NOT be able to purchase reserved seats at the door. You can purchase your tickets by ordering online.

Follow the link below. Click ‘BUY TICKETS’ and then click ‘GET TICKETS’ for the Winter Concert. A chart of our auditorium will show up and any seats that are in the GREEN section are available to reserve. 

concert call times for students

Concert Orchestra should be sitting in the orchestra room in full uniform with their instruments ready and all music in order by 6:30pm.

Advanced Orchestra should be handing out programs and helping our concert attendees find their seats at 6:00pm. Warm-up will begin at 7:00pm in the cafeteria, once the concert begins.

grading and uniform information

Performance Grading

Orchestra is a unique class. It is a gathering of instrumentalists, performing together as a group. Concerts and performances are considered the “final exam” of a musical chapter. In order for a concert to run smoothly and for everyone to get the most out of this important educational experience, certain guidelines must be met. For students to receive full credit for the concert, students are expected to follow these guidelines:

1. Students will be dressed in the appropriate concert attire. Students should be in the full concert uniform. Students will not be able to perform with the ensemble unless they are in the correct uniform.

2. Students will be dressed, instruments tuned, music gathered, and in their seat at their concert call time. Being late to a concert means the student was not in his/her seat, ready to go, at assigned time.

3. Students will behave in a manner that is appropriate in the concert setting. Inappropriate behavior, including improper warm-up, is not acceptable and could result in being prevented from performing.

4. Students are expected to stay for the entire concert. Even if the student has completed his/her portion of the concert, students are expected to stay and support, listen to, and evaluate other ensembles performing. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

5. Students are expected to put equipment away after the performance. This includes instruments, music, stands, chairs, and uniforms.

Uniform Policy

Uniforms are worn at all concerts and public events. Members are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance. Any appearance that causes undue attention to an individual will be dealt with by the director and may result in the student not performing at the concert. No student will be allowed to perform without the proper uniform.

Members will purchase their own uniforms. This should be done far in advance of the concert to avoid a last minute panic.

Please use the pictures as a reference. If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Goncz directly. The boys photo is very accurate to what it should look like. The girls photo is a very good guideline for length and style. If you have a question about something you find, please just ask. Again, the sooner you take care of the uniform, the better!

Student Helpers needed


Director Helper:

Basically, you are the person standing in the room to take care of anything that the director needs. Hang by the orch room doors, and be ready to do any task. The director will let you know if there is anything for you to do. (6:00pm)


Ushers stand at the doors to the auditorium. Ushers help people find their seats, either from their ticket or finding non-reserved seats. (6:00pm)


Greeters stand at the doors near the main entrance security desk. Greeters welcome people to the performance and hand everyone a program. Be sure to smile and be warm and friendly. Please do not stand and visit with your friends when people are coming in. (6:15pm)


Advanced Orchestra Stage Setup:

ONLY CONCERT ORCHESTRA MEMBERS CAN DO THIS. The set-up crew sets the stage for the next group. It is important that you work quickly, as no one comes to a concert to watch people set up chairs and stands. Before the concert starts, make sure that you have a setup map.

Cafeteria Setup:

Set up chairs and stands in the cafeteria for Advanced Orchestra's warm-up